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A complete guide to remove cherry angioma permanently from your skin

Free of blemishes
A complete guide to remove cherry angioma permanently from your skin

If you’re reading this article, then by the end of it, you will know how to remove cherry angioma permanently from your skin with an extremely effective and professional blemish removal product from Free of Blemishes- all at the comfort of your home.

What are Cherry Angiomas?

Cherry angiomas or more commonly known as red moles are common, harmless growths on the skin that can form on most areas of your body, such as the chest, back, neck, or face. These red spots are usually bright red domes mostly found in people aged 30 or older. The abnormal amount of tiny blood vessels inside a cherry angioma gives them a reddish appearance. Angiomas, in general, are harmless unless it bleeds often, or changes in size, shape, or color. Talk to your doctor immediately if you notice any such changes in the appearance of these red moles, as it can be a sign of skin cancer. 

Cherry Angioma Causes

Though researchers do not know what causes cherry angiomas, they suggest the development of these moles can be mainly due to genetic factors. Here are some of the common factors that may play a part in their development:

·        Aging

One study found that the incidence of cherry angiomas increases in individuals over the age of 30, while 75% of the adults over the age of 75 generally have these moles.

·        Genetic mutations

You can also get cherry angiomas due to genetic mutations. It means if your parents or grandparents have them, there is a good chance that you may also have them in the future- if not by now. 

·        UV exposure

If you're constantly exposed to direct UV rays of the sun, your chances of developing cherry angioma also increase. Too much exposure to the sun could even make existing red moles on the body get worse.

·        Pregnancy

Cherry angiomas can also develop in women after pregnancy due to an increase in prolactin- the hormone that stimulates breast milk production.

·        Certain medications, such as cyclosporine, or hormones

Exposure to certain medications, such as cyclosporine, or hormones can also cause cherry angiomas to appear in clusters.

·        Liver damage and disease

A study completed in 2015 found that cherry angiomas present in large numbers in people can be a sign of liver damage and disease.

Cherry Angioma Treatment Methods

Typically, cherry angiomas don't need to be treated but can be removed by a dermatologist when necessary or if you want it removed for cosmetic reasons. The main methods for removal are:

·        Electrodesiccation surgery (electrocautery, burning)

The angioma spot is touched with an electrical needle-like instrument that delivers heat and electricity to destroy the blood vessels.

·        Cryotherapy or liquid nitrogen

This method is known for being quick and is done as an outpatient procedure, which means you won’t have to stay in the hospital overnight. It involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the angioma, causing it to fall in a few hours. 

·        Laser treatment

This type of surgery involves an intense beam of light that gives off enough heat to shrink the angioma, eventually causing it to disappear. This method is less painful than electrosurgery.

·        Shave excision

Cherry angiomas that are large in size and shape are removed using this procedure. The mole is removed from the top portion of the skin with a sharp razor, and later on, the wound is closed using stitches, or sutures.

Remove Cherry Angioma At Home WIth A Professional Blemish Removal Product

With any of the above-mentioned treatment procedures, it’s possible that a cherry angioma may grow back over time. Therefore, Free of Blemishes offers a one-time use professional product that is 98% effective; FDA approved, and has been successfully used by doctors for over 60 years to remove cherry angioma permanently at the comfort of your home. The product is a very low-cost blemish removal product that perfectly blends with the skin and ensures no scar is left behind on your skin. 


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