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Anxiety treatment non medication by mindbrain Las vegas

Anxiety treatment non medication by mindbrain Las vegas

Anxiety on its own is a common feeling of uneasiness, distress, or fear. We all experience anxiety at some point in our lives. If these feelings escalate to interfere with daily life, then, this may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is currently one of the main mood changes and can impair the quality of life of the individual when associated with other neurological or psychiatric disorders. Neuromodulation has been highlighted as a form of treatment of several pathologies, including those involving anxiety symptoms. Among the neuromodulator options with the potential to improve mood changes, we highlight transcranial magnetic stimulation. anxiety treatment non medication TMS is a viable therapeutical option for neuropsychiatric dysfunctions of high prevalence and is important for the understanding of pathological and neuropsychological adaptation processes. Even with this potential, and high relevance of intervention, we observe the scarcity of literature that covers this subject. The objective of this study was to carry out a survey of the current literature, using scientific databases for the last five years. We found 32 studies reporting the effects of TMS on anxiety

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