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Liver disease reversal!

Nikhil Chaudhary

Liver disease reversal is something many patients with fatty liver research about. And we're more than happy to break it to you that liver disease reversal in India is possible!

We provide many consultancy and wellness programs which makes liver disease reversal in India possible! There are a lot of things to keep in mind and lifestyle changes to make which we talk about in detail in our programs.


Now the most common liver issue is a fatty liver. Fat is something that needs to be carried and deposited in the different parts of your body. It is used for energy formation. Now if there is not much energy required in your body then it is stored under your skin as adipose tissue. It is also stored in the liver as glycogen for later use.


But sometimes too much fat is deposited on the liver.

Now there are two types of fatty liver, alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver.

To reverse any of these there are some points mentioned below that might be helpful along with the professional help.


  • Read about the condition.

It is very important to read and know more about what is going on inside your body. Reading about it brings your steps closer to the actual execution of the guidelines.


  • Keep Monitoring

It Is helpful to monitor the improvement of any changes while you're being treated. You can also go for Liver function tests including biochemical parameters like AST; ALT; GGT or Alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, and albumin levels, and coagulation tests as prothrombin activity. When you evaluate albumin and prothrombin levels, it helps you assess the improvement or reversal of fatty liver.


  • Medication Management

Usually, there are other health conditions too along with the fatty liver. These health conditions include diabetes, high cholesterol, PCOS, sleep apnea, hypopituitarism etc. If you're suffering from any of these conditions or other conditions which require regular medication, you must take care of it by consuming them on time. Especially in case of diabetes you should administer the consumption of oral insulin or injections.


  • Some people may be prescribed some painkillers, or they might take them often. Now access to painkillers like Ibuprofen, and Naproxen can be harmful to the liver. Be mindful about consuming such pills.


  • Keeping stress levels low is another advice to follow if you have a liver condition. To reduce the stress hormones you can try Yoga and meditation. For sleep, you must follow the same pattern every day and try to get enough sleep.


  • A balanced diet plan is an absolute necessity for people with fatty liver. You must consult a dietitian for a balanced and appropriate diet plan. Eating smaller frequent meals. Having more vegetables and proteins in your diet plan would be beneficial. Consume low fat and low-calorie food items. You can try whole grains and sprouts too.


  • Reducing your alcohol intake is a must. And if possible then try to completely avoid it, nothing would be better than this.


  • Start with an exercising routine and keep yourself regular and committed to it. You can adopt a routine with a mix of light exercises. You can go for Zumba, dance, aerobics, cycling, swimming etc.


  • Keep your weight in check. Studies show that weight loss can be helpful in the reversal of the disease. You can opt for different weight loss options, like exercising, a balanced diet etc. Weight loss surgery can also be an option, but whatever method you choose, it should be approved by your treating clinician. Prescription weight-loss drugs such as Saxenda, Orlistat, Belviq, Contrave, phentermine, and Qsymia can be taken but one must check on their food allergies and other medical histories to avoid any kind of side effect.


  • You should visit your doctor regularly. Set goals for yourself about cholesterol levels, blood sugar, weight, diet restrictions, cheat days etc.


Nikhil Chaudhary
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