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Looking to apply for a Work Permit to Canada from India

AMK Global
Looking to apply for a Work Permit to Canada from India

Canada has gained quite a popularity in Indian hearts for quite a decade. The migration revolution that started with only India’s Punjabis settling in Canada changed in the last five years with a surge of 105% of Indians settling in Canada. The number of applications for PR increased in Canada from all over India. The educated class is finding Canada as their top chosen country instead of the US. 

Thanks to the ease in the numerous process & programs that make it easy to apply for a Work Permit to Canada from India, Canada PR, Study, or start a new Business in Canada. 

Several reasons complement this growing popularity towards Canada and each reason is good to be true. 

Canada is a developed nation with plenty of excellent facilities for its citizens. Being the most welcoming country for immigrants, Canadians consider immigrants as their assets. When a country with better infrastructure, helpful government policies, standardized safety, education & a booming economy welcomes you, it’s hard to say no, right? 

Looking to apply for a Work Permit to Canada from India? Know when & how to apply. 

Usually, you must apply for a Work Permit to Canada from India before you enter the country. You can start the process once you have the official job offer letter in hand. In most cases, your work permit will be provided by your Canadian employer if your Work Permit is a Closed/ Employer-Specific Work Permit. In other cases, you will need an Open Work Permit to Canada (if your Work Permit is an Employer-Exempted Work Permit).

Due to COVID-19, the government of Canada allows visitors to apply online for a Work Permit from inside Canada, which makes it very easy for you to start the process at your fingertips if you have the accurate guidance to get successful approval. 

Seek guidance from our regulated immigration consultants now to know more about work permits to Canada from India. 

What is a work permit to Canada from India?  

A work permit is a government-issued document that allows a foreigner to work in a country. It would be great if you typically had a work permit so that you could work in Canada.

Canada work permits come in two main categories.

1.   Employer Specific Work Permit

2.   Open Work Permit

Click here to know in detail about Work Permit to Canada From India

Know about the various type of Work Permits to Canada from India here.

How to find the right Immigration Consultant for a Work Permit to Canada in India?

When you plan to visit a foreign country or start a new career overseas, you will be overflowed with several questions. A few typical provocations will be your lack of knowledge, experience, and information, along with a sea of self-doubts. We understand. It is only advisable to seek advice from a person who the government authorizes to provide immigration advice. Every case varies and a legal professional should be your answer to your every question.

For example, when thinking about Canada, Ram is utterly worried about staying away from his family for so long. After all, there is no fun in staying in a country away from the family. However, when he approached AMK Global, he learned how to take his family to Canada after he started working there. As a result, ram is now happy to focus on his other preparations for Canada. Phew! 

Immigration processes are hassle-free when you have a team of the right consultants & lawyers with you. At AMK Global, we take pride in giving personalized support to every customer as per their case files.

Being a regulated immigration firm, we emphasize everyone should seek guidance only from regulated consultants to avoid frauds & scams. At AMK Global, we strictly follow all the norms laid by the Canadian government, and advice is only presented after a deep case study by the regulated consultant. At the same time, our legal team handles, processes & provides all the necessary information related to the case. 

AMK Global
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