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Anti-Dandruff Treatment

sam kafe
Anti-Dandruff Treatment

Are you looking for an effective treatment for removing dandruff? Then let us tell you that you are at the right place. First of all you have to know the reason for its cause and its treatment.

If you are noticing white flakes on your shoulder that means your scalp is having hair problems. There is a substance that is secreted from the scalp called sebum that is supposed to provide nourishment and  moisturization to your scalp to protect your hair from damage caused by outer harsh particles. With this sebum a fungus also secretes from your scalp. It converts the sebum to oleic acid. And if your body is allergic to Oleic Acid your scalp will show the result of dandruff.

How To Treat Dandruff At Home

Hydration is the first key 

As we all need an ample amount of liquid to be alive, so as our skin and scalp need water to treat dandruff and other scalp related problems. Water in our body keeps the body and skin moisturized and helps in purifying the blood  keeping the skin and scalp healthy. so , it helps in decreasing the problem of dandruff.

Don’t scratch the scalp

We all scratch our scalp when it gets dry to keep it calm. But we don't know that scratching makes the problem even worse by increasing the white dry flakes on your scalp. That results in making the scalp even harder and increases dandruff on the scalp. 


Everyone in today's world is going through stress that has become the most prior reason for scalp related problems. It is must to have a walk in the morning and at night in order to release some stress from your life. This activity will help to calm the nerves and make the scalp stress free.

Go for a good anti-dandruff shampoo

If you are searching for the best anti dandruff treatment for your scalp then go for a good anti - dandruff shampoo like Cappuccino Anti-Dandruff Shampoo from Mcaffeine to treat your itchy scalp. This shampoo will surely give your scalp the effective dandruff treatment. Don't just stick to one shampoo. Search for a good antifungal shampoo that helps in reducing dandruff. You can also add a good conditioner like Cappuccino Coffee Anti-Dandruff Conditioner to add shine and strength to your hair.

You have to start the treatment with a good anti-dandruff shampoo on a daily basis. As your problem cuts down, reduce the usage to 2-3 times a week. Always cover your head with a hat or a scarf before stepping out of the house. This is the best way to prevent the growth of white flakes. For a better result for hair you can also use Cappuccino Coffee Anti-Dandruff Hair Mask to treat the hair problem.

Improve your diet by reducing the intake of white rice, alcohol, sugar, salt, dairy products. You have to add fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, and whole grains in your diet to reduce the inflammation. 

Oiling is also needed for regular intervals and is very important for your scalp. You can add essential oils to massage your scalp. The best oils are tea tree or neem oil to treat dandruff. Always try to spend at least 30 mins out in the sun that helps in controlling your stress and tension.

The treatment may be lenghier but stick to the treatment to get rid of the problem. You can also go through our anti dandruff product range of Mcaffeine to fight the white flakes and germs.

 So, make the right choice for treating the scalp and hair because nourishment is very necessary for the hair and scalp.

sam kafe
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