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E-learning Localization–A definitive guide

E-learning Localization–A definitive guide

We are all aware of the term eLearning. It's very common and native to almost everyone with a smartphone or any such device through which one can use the internet. Just to make it simpler, eLearning is a method of teaching and training or imparting knowledge using electronic mediums as an interface between the learner and the teacher. It curbs down problems relating to logistics and location that cause hindrances in the learning process.

There is no shortage of tips, strategies, and advice on how to succeed in the eLearning industry. Successfully entering & flourishing in this exceedingly competitive industry is not an easy thing to achieve, sometimes even the most established players may find it difficult to grow or maintain. Proven to be a useful way of learning, eLearning courses are preferred by users for their flexibility and effectiveness, and it saves a lot of time and money. Successful facilitation of equal learning opportunities and experiences to all users irrespective of their language and location is only possible when eLearning courses are well-localized. eLearning effective localization services allow courses to be translated into a targeted language and to be customized to fit into the cultural borders of the targeted audience. Here are the fundamentals that must be kept in mind while entering and localizing your eLearning materials to exceed the challenges –

Knowing the Audience –

Taking the risk of triggering an uproar over your eLearning material is not something you would like to happen, especially in the locale with conservative cultures. Learning about the background and the culture of your target audience helps you save a lot of time, money, and effort that are needed in fixing the content later.

Culturally – Neutral –

When creating eLearning content, you take advantage of idioms, phrases, etc., to make it more interesting. All these nuances might not be available in the target language. Therefore, it's better to go for an international accent or neutral imagery that is much easier to comprehend than a core language or area-specific expression.

Leaving Room while designing –

While designing your eLearning course you might want to give some thought about localization of the content and have your materials designed with future localization perspective. Also, leaving room for easy formatting of the content is considered a wise move, just in case you want to localize your material.

Experienced Language Partner –

All the tips and guides in the world are effective only if you have an experienced professional translation company as your language partner. An experienced language partner will help ensure the most efficient and smooth way for the localization of materials and also guide you through the whole process.


Now, these fundamentals will help you prepare for the localization process and the ones listed down below will guide you for actually doing it.  


Scoping –

Scoping is better understood as strategizing and planning. In this, you need to find out the in-depth market details, set your targets or objectives that you want to achieve with the localization, and also find out the potential problems specific to the market that might arise. After adjusting your eLearning materials to tackle all these challenges you might also need to provide certain supplementary materials that might not be part of the core curriculum.

Production –

Otherwise, known as the process of translation & localization. After you have set up all your objectives and defined your goals, here, a multidisciplinary will work on every aspect of the material. These teams will do the necessary document translations, localize the visuals, add subtitles to videos, etc. It is the longest and most comprehensive stage of localization, in this if the user interface needs some changes, then that also is localized.

Quality Check & Testing –

For effective quality testing you will need, a team that constitutes – developers, designers, and linguists, to take a step back and re-examine creative and technical choices, and make improvements if needed.  It is a very critical stage as quality check and testing can be the make-or-break factors for the whole localization process.


Once finished with the processes there are a few indicators for localization done great that you might want to look at –

·        There is space left on the screen, meaning it's not overcrowded with graphics and images. Follow tips to create Animation and graphics.

·        There is an overall consistency in the user interface, colors, and branding is properly done.

·        The texts are legible, clear, and concise and should also have a flow in them.

·        There must be a subject matter expert for the content localization.

·        Detailed quality analysis and testing.

·        Proper flow of communication and information between you and your service provider.


So, these were the basic points to focus your efforts on while the eLearning localization process. However, the most important part of this process is your language partner. Having the right professionals by your side is imperative for an effective and successful eLearning localization, just like languagenobar that offers 100% manual translations from experienced subject matter experts and native translators.

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