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Different types of earrings


Ring, also known as earrings, is one of the ornaments of women in ancient times. It is often worn on the ear.

In ancient times, earrings were also called ER and Xi.

In terms of materials, earrings are mainly metal, and some may be stone, wood or other similar hard materials. Nowadays, plastic earrings are also used as materials.

Although the modern dress is open, both men and women can wear earrings, but more women are used to and like wearing earrings.

What types of earrings are there?

1. Nail Hoops

The most popular and popular one. The pin of the earring passes through the ear hole and is fixed with a bracket on the back of the ear. Generally, nail earrings are used for ear piercing.There are diamond Hoops, gem Hoops and platinum Hoops. These are more advanced.

When the ear drops, there is usually a string of jewelry as ornament. The length varies, some only drop 2 cm from the ear beads, while others can grow to the shoulders. Long hanging earrings are usually used in grand occasions.

2.Ring Hoops

A 360 degree circle with a hole in the middle and through the ear hole. In ancient China, there was a ring-shaped earring made of notched jade rings, called Jade Jue. Some scholars believe that wearing jade Jue needs to wear large ear holes, while others believe that it is clip type.

3. Hanging Hoops

No need to nail the design of ear holes, only hang on the back of the ear. This kind of hanging earrings is also becoming more and more popular.

4.Clip, magnet Hoops

For the convenience of people without pierced ears, some ring-shaped earrings will be designed into a clip shape with ear beads. Granular or nail shaped earrings can not be designed into clip shape, so it is necessary to use the characteristics of magnet to clamp the ear beads. The magnet earrings are an earring with a magnet on the outside and a mini magnet with opposite magnetism on the inside. The two magnets firmly clamp the ear beads.

5.Silicone Hoops

This kind of earring does not clamp the ear with clamping force, but uses the friction between silicone and skin to keep the earring from falling off. Compared with other clip on earrings that are prone to pain in order to clamp, silicone earrings are unlikely to hurt.

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