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How to choose the best Quartz worktops in Essex?

Pura Stone
How to choose the best Quartz worktops in Essex?

Quartz worktops are a popular choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops. The quartz stone is scratch and heat-resistant, making it a practical option for busy family homes. So how do you choose the best quartz worktops in Essex? Here are some tips to help you make the right decision for your home.


Quartz comes in a number of standard colors, including classic white and other lighter shades. However, unlike natural stone or man-made materials, it can be customised to mimic the look of granite or marble at a fraction of the cost. If you are on a budget, this makes quartz worktops an appealing choice.

You can also choose from a range of different finishes, including high-gloss for a shiny surface.


When it comes to choosing the right size and style of quartz worktops in Essex, you have several options. Most feature straight edges that are easy to clean. Some may include an under-surf or upstand for further protection against stains.

If you are considering quartz worktops with integrated sinks, your options are more limited. However, the most popular styles can be customised to meet any requirement. This includes angled corners for bespoke sink designs that have an unusual shape or are too large to fit into a standard space.


You can also choose from a range of different finishes, including high-gloss for a shiny surface.


Quartz worktops can be cleaned using a mild detergent and warm water. Specialist stone cleaning products are available if you want to use an alternative cleaner.


For extra protection, you can seal the surface using a clear polymer product.


Your new quartz worktops in Essex will be custom-made to meet your measurements and kitchen design requirements. This makes them ideal for busy families who need an ultra-hardwearing countertop that is also easy to clean.


Pura Stone - One of the best Quartz worktops manufacturer in Essex


Pura Stone is one of the best quartz worktops manufacturer in Essex. We offer a wide range of modern stone kitchen worktops, bathroom vanity tops, and splashbacks for kitchens and bathrooms at competitive prices.

Pura Stone
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