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Amazon VS Azure . What are the Key differences

Amazon VS Azure . What are the Key differences

In this blog, we will discuss AWS vs Azure cloud from the point of view for the job seekers. We will cover all the features that clarify the differences between  AWS and Azure. 

It's always a daunting task to choose the right one cloud computing course in Chandigarh for the job seekers. 

Amazon Web Services and Azure are the most widely used cloud services in the international market .Multifarious companies and government organizations resort to cloud computing services to increase the overall efficiency.

Which one is appropriate for you ? To help you make the right decision , let's elaborate which area Azure and Amazon web services are better at respectively . There are Key differences between them and we will discuss them one by one . 

  1. . Amazon uses a virtual private cloud whereas Azure consists of a virtual Network cloud.
  2. Amazon has 40% share in market whereas Azure has 30% share in Market. 
  3. Amazon is more open to the open source community whereas Azure is less open to the open source community. 
  4. Amazon usesAPI gateway for cross premises connectivity while Azure uses VPN gateway. 
  5. Amazon has had long relationship with government agencies while azure has limited reach to government agencies 
  6. AWS has computers to accomplish the calculations and computing data and can scope  to thousands of processing nodes with the help of cloud service providers. For computing purposes, Azure uses virtual machines. 
  7. AWS  uses S3 which is longest running and provides lots of documentation and tutorials . Azure uses Storage block blob for storage and consists of blocks and uploads large blobs efficiently.
  8. Aws allows pay as you go and they charge per hour . Azure also follows pay as you go and charge per minute.
  9. AWS has fantastic features and configuration and offers a lot of flexibility , whereas Azure will be easy to use if we are habitual with windows as it is a windows platform
  10. Amazon Relational database service supports popular databases including Oracle and PostgreSQL while Azure Sql database service is solely based on MYSQl server.

AWS Vs Azure — Which cloud is the  best ?


Microsoft Azure 

It was launched in 2010, Microsoft Azure is beneficial for the organization to scale and grow their business by offering a ample of services including networking, storage and database tools . Nowadays , it is the most popular commercial cloud provider owing to its focus on connectivity and usability. 

Advantages of Azure Cloud

  1. Flexibility for developers to create , maintain and deploy web applications
  2. It is perfect for users who plan on building a hybrid cloud
  3. It has adapted its most popular applications such as office and share point. 
  4. Azure is designed with scalability in mind which makes it absolute for commercial enterprises and startups focused on growth. 

Disadvantages of Azure Cloud

  1. The pricing model isn't too flexible , but there is a calculator available that assists you to plan how much you will spend on the platform.
  2. The standard storage option may not be sufficient for some business ,in spite of the fact that premium storage 


It was launched in 2006 and has gained benefit for its early entry in the cloud computing services. AWS currently controls around 33% of the market, which makes it Azure biggest competitor. Like Azure , Aws provides services such as storage, delivery and other functional programs.

  1. More data centers available 
  2. DeVops Proficiency is higher 
  3. High level of Security and Data protection
  4. Minimal Data loss during transfer 

Disadvantages of AWS Training

  1. Not the First choice in banking sector 
  2. Less hybrid cloud functionality 
  3. No customer support, requires a special support team 

At last , we can conclude that AWS is the market leader . While they don't double the market share as compared to other cloud providers, it's primarily because other players are entering the market and capturing the playing fields such as Alibaba, Google Cloud platform , Oracle cloud infrastructure and others. AWS owes its first position in the IAAS market to being the first cloud provider to market in 2006. 

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