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CRE Lease Matrix

CRE Lease Matrix
CRE Lease Matrix

What is CRE Lease Matrix?

CRE Lease Matrix, a product by CRE Matrix is India’s first evolved big data platform that provides the user with an end to end solution for managing their Leases through an exhaustive and most evolved Lease Administration Platform

It enables users to levearage the feature-rich, user friendly and streamlined and SAAS approach

It not only organises the lease Data in a sequenced & process driven manner but also ensures that the Lease Data is efficiently used to mitigate operational risks, identify opportunities and help drive decision based on intelligent Data insights.

Lease data abstracted will help the user explore important metrics like Critical Dates, Escalations, KPIs & Portfolio Summary more seamlessly and without much dig down

important aspects that need to be monitored can be configured as periodic alerts by the user

Forecasts and Budgeting of lease expenses/revenues made easy with pre-built formats to help users avoid working in silos and have centralised reference sourceLease documents will be available in a digitized manner with the ease of just a click.

No need to have scanned copies in common folders/network drives or a separate digital file maintenance software. Critical clauses will be indexed to the pages from the reference documents empowering the user for a quick view without the hassle of going through the complete document.

CRE Lease Matrix
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