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Importance of Cloud Security

Importance of Cloud Security

This article was genuinely published here and copied with permission.

Cloud computing is the latest technology to hit the board. However, Cloud Security has been the subject of heated debate for quite some time now. There are a lot of people who believe that cloud computing is not secure and that the Cloud providers themselves have some backdoor access to the data stored by them. This blog will try and clear some of the misconceptions around cloud security.

What exactly is Cloud Computing?

Cloud security used to be almost unheard of until it began emerging as a critical concern for businesses. As more and more companies shifted their infrastructure to cloud-based platforms, cybercriminals started using increasingly sophisticated attacks to penetrate their defenses. In the past, data vulnerabilities were limited to server or PC firewalls but over time, criminals expanded their target to include cloud security.

Responsible cloud usage is central to a company’s cybersecurity. Without it, an organization could be exposing itself to significant risk and damage. To protect their businesses and the sensitive data that goes with them, companies need to take care of the responsibility for their security measures. It is of the utmost importance for companies to do everything in their power to secure their data, which is why the role of cloud security remediation or cloud computing comes into the picture.

All those measures involved in cloud computing make sure your data privacy is protected. Not only that, but it also ensures the user and device authentication along with the data and resource access control.

What Makes Cloud Security So Important?

There are multiple reasons why cloud security remediation or cloud computing is important. One of the most major reasons behind that is that many organizations are using cloud security in one form or another. Gartner predicted that the global public cloud services market will grow 23.1% this year alone, a number which has made big news in recent press coverage and reiterated the huge increase in demand for these services globally.


So this was pretty much all you needed to know about the importance of the cloud security. However, there are plenty more to talk about as well; this was just a few of the information. Hope you found it helpful enough. In case you are someone who has been looking forward to enlisting cloud services, look no further than “CloudMatos”.

Why Should You Choose Them?

It’s one of the best companies out there that is built to empower your cloud team with the intelligent remediation. The company provides you with the platforms that make your cloud effective. The software “MatosSphere” holds the power to transform your cloud infrastructure and make sure it is free from any unwanted errors. There are plenty of reasons why you should choose them such as reduced complexity in cloud management, leveraging influx DB, cloud remediation services and so much more.

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