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What is a suggested AEPS service provider company in India?

What is a suggested AEPS service provider company in India?

The AEPS Service has changed the way people transact in rural areas. There is a growth in demand for this service with growing time.

 To keep pace with the growing demand, there has been a birth of several AEPS Service provider Companies.

You can find various such companies that offer this service, but when it comes to credibility and efficiency, I would suggest Netpaisa.

Netpaisa is a leading FinTech company that has been in this space for quite a long period and has

built a good reputation among its users. As a retailer or business

correspondent, you can register to Netpaisa Portal and earn a good amount of commission by providing services at your own pace.

You can provide the following services-

Cash withdrawal

AEPSbalance inquiry


Cash deposit

Aadhar Pay


Getting started with the platform is easy and you don’t require any extra banking knowledge to perform

digital transactions.

Until now several retailers and business correspondents have been part of Netpaisa and they have been able to

secure good sources of income via this side business.

 If you are also looking to get into this business, then you can start by registering to the platform and filling in the necessary details, you will receive approval soon.

After that, you would be given access to the platform and the more customers transact through the platform,

the more commission you earn.

Small businesses can also turn their shops into mini banks by providing AEPS Service to their customers.

Original source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-suggested-AEPS-service-provider-company-in-India

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