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15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

As summer rolls in and temperatures begin to soar, it’s important to remember makanan khas that dehydration can cause serious health concerns. The condition is particularly concerning for the elderly and children, as well as those living with long-term co-morbidities. And it’s not just water that you have to keep in mind — water-based foods that aid digestion are also necessary.

With this in mind, here’s a list of foods and drinks to include in your daily diet to remain cool and healthy:

1. Sattu

Sattu is an underrated superfood that can help beat the heat efficiently. Widely consumed in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh, this mixture of ground pulses and cereal can be consumed as both a drink or food. It’s a powerhouse of energy and is rich in dietary fibres, protein, calcium and iron. It can also help avoid constipation, prevent sunstrokes, and control cholesterol levels. Adya Organic’s sattu powder comes as flour, which they say is gluten-free and can be used to make a refreshing summer drink.

2. Khus Sherbet

This beverage, which is a concoction of khus syrup and water, can cool your body down in the summer. The syrup is made from vetiver grass which has several medicinal properties. It can reduce excessive thirst, prevent dehydration, and is a good source of antioxidants. The product is made of khus grass concentrate, water and milk, which instantly gives a cooling effect.

15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

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3. Bael Juice

This traditional drink has multiple health benefits. Refreshing and tasty at the same time, it nourishes the body with all the required nutrients. It can also aid better digestion. Baels are high in fibre, can prevent sunstrokes, and cleanse the skin. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties present in the item help in cholesterol control.

15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

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4. Gulkand

Gulkand is often used in Ayurveda to help with bodily imbalances. It is traditionally prepared using Damask roses. It is a powerful antioxidant that can treat ulcers and acidity. It is said to rejuvenate the stomach and make digestion easy. In addition, it cools down the stomach, which is very essential during summer.

15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

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5. Jaljira

The go-to summer drink for many, this tangy beverage is made using coriander, cumin, ginger, black pepper, kala namak and mint. Ready to make packets are widely available, and all you have to do is stir the mix in water. It can help in detoxification and fights acidity.

15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

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6. Green Mango Chutney

This sweet and spicy condiment is a perfect accompaniment with lunch during the summer. Green mango is a vital source of magnesium, calcium, iron and dietary fibres that detoxify the liver. It is also rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin K. It helps in better digestion and keeps body heat low.

15 Traditional Food Secrets You Need For A Summer-Ready Kitchen

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7. Chaas Masala

Chaas is another favourite drink during the summer, and helps beat the heat. The major slot gacor malam ini ingredients used to prepare chaas masala include mint flakes, black salt, desert salt, roasted cumin, dry ginger and green chilli flakes. Add the required amount of the masala into buttermilk, give it a stir and fresh up your body by consuming it. The drink helps fight constipation and acidity, and prevents dehydration.

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