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Omnichannel Publishing

Angel Mary
Omnichannel Publishing

More information about the advantages of PIM can be found on our blog or in the ebook. As a product information management system, it is used to not only complete product information but also to streamline work in product catalogue teams and to create product templates.

It is possible that the data consistency problem was less severe in the early days of e-commerce because there were simply fewer opportunities to reach customers. However, this is not the case. In addition to an e-commerce platform and, possibly, a marketplace, there were no other places where you could sell your products.

It is critical to keep data under control and to manage it in an effective manner now that there are many (and I mean a LOT) more stores, customers, and, perhaps most importantly, data sources.

This central hub receives information from various sources (ERP, PDF files, Excel spreadsheets, etc.) and distributes it to various sales channels. PIM is an acronym for Product Information Management. When it comes to PIM, it is a perfect example of the entire concept of omnichannel, which is the ability to provide a high level of consumer experience at every stage and across every shopping channel.

One of the most significant advantages of PIM is the consistency (or, more accurately, correctness) of data across multiple distribution channels. Consider the following scenario: you sell on a marketplace but also have catalogue sales; it is critical that the data is properly aligned. Orders are kept safe in the product catalogue thanks to PIM.

The data can be exported to all channels or only selected channels, depending on your pricing strategy and current promotions. You no longer have to be troubled about the buyer seeing an incorrect price (which is always a disadvantage for the seller) or incomplete product information – unclear photos, a lack of information about the material used in manufacturing, or a lack of available sizes – on your website or in your store.

Learn More: https://questudio.com/blog/advantages-of-a-pim-in-an-omnichannel-environment/

Angel Mary
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