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DIY cost segregation study

Expertcostseg Oconnor
DIY cost segregation study

Realize significant savings when you perform a DIY cost segregation study. Or if your time is limited, get a free quote on a full study. Visit https://www.expertcostseg.com/

Bonus Depreciation is a tax incentive provided by the government that allows an owner of a for-profit commercial asset to immediately deduct a large percentage of the purchase price of eligible assets acquired or constructed within the mandated time frames.

It is simply a way to significantly accelerate depreciation. For the current 100% bonus depreciation, the asset must be purchased or constructed after September 27, 2017 and before January 1, 2024.

Through the use of a cost segregation study, all assets identified with a depreciable life of 20 years or less can be deducted in the first year of ownership. That means all identified 5, 7 and 15 year assets can be totally depreciated in the first year.

100% Bonus Depreciation, as provided by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), is set to expire as of midnight on December 31, 2023. However, with the recent change of regime in Washington D.C., the law could be changed at any time.

There is no mandate that requires the TCJA to be allowed to sunset as currently written. Given the extraordinary benefits provided by 100% Bonus Depreciation, we encourage all our existing and prospective clients to take advantage of the opportunity while it still exists.

Expertcostseg Oconnor
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