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Methyl cpg binding protein 2 drugs development analysis


South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign, a HIV activist organisation, has called on Bristol-Myers Squibb to prevent a critical drugs shortage in the country.

Amphotericin B, a life-saving drug used to treat the AIDS defining-disease cryptococcal meningitis, is currently in short supply. Bristol-Myers Squibb is the only company that has registered the drug in South Africa, under the brand name Fungizone.

The Southern African HIV Clinicians Society recommends that every patient diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis receives two weeks of amphotericin B treatment.

Cryptococcal meningitis affects around 7,000 people in the country every year.

However, in cases where amphotericin B is not available Methyl cpg binding protein 2 drugs patients are treated solely with fluconazole, which can lead to higher rates of relapse and mortality.

In a statement on its website, the Treatment Action Campaign said, “It is crucial that the Department of Health facilitates the swift movement of the drug through customs and to hospitals with shortages as soon as it arrives in the country.

“As the company responsible for the supply of amphotericin B in South Africa, Bristol-Myers Squibb must take primary responsibility for the stock-out.”

Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 (MECP2) Drugs in Development by Therapy Areas and Indications, Stages, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players report provides in depth analysis on Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 (MECP2) targeted pipeline therapeutics. The report provides comprehensive information complete with Analysis by Indications, Stage of Development, Mechanism of Action (MoA), Route of Administration (RoA) and Molecule Type. The report also covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.

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