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KloudPLM - A cloud's first product Lifecycle Management Software.

KloudPLM - A cloud's first product Lifecycle Management Software.


KloudPLM is a Comprehensive Cloud First PLM Platform. Built on the robust data-driven architecture of salesforce, combining  Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Quality Management systems (QMS), Business Process Management systems (BPMS), and Product Information Management (PIM) into a single SaaS solution. 

It flaunts the following features:


The modular structure of KloudPLM allows it to scale according to the needs of your organization.


Along with the Salesforce security solutions that include infrastructure security, network security, and application security, we also comply with the security standards like SOC II, GDPR, CCPA, PCI, and more ascertaining data security of the highest standards.


It ensures you’re able to get better insights, provide automation of business processes and

Increase Productivity while scaling effortlessly. With thousands of predefined templates, we also ensure that software is deployed within a few months.

Mobile-First software: 

KloudPLM is portable, allowing your managers to provide approvals from any place or time.

KloudPLM is a componentized platform that integrates with your existing system seamlessly to supercharge your team in the end-to-end Product Development Lifecycle, it is curated specifically according to your requirements to help increase your revenue while diminishing your costs. Being a cloud-first platform KloudPLM ensures that you’re equipped with bleeding-edge innovation of cloud technology in security, analytics, machine learning, IoT, and more.

We have divided the PLM by the two methods of manufacturing Discrete and Process:

(i) Discrete PLM:

It  has the following modules Project management, Design management, BOM, Quality Management, Purchase Management & Analytics

(ii) Process PLM:

It includes these modules PLM for Formulation Management, PLM for Requirement Management, Ingredient Management, as well as Test and Trail Management.

KloudPLM, a cloud-based PLM software streamlines your entire product life cycle with a centralized database ascertaining coherent collaboration between different departments so everyone is on the same page,

Thus ensuring that you focus on customers’ needs while we focus on yours! 

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