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Luxury Designers
Luxury Designers

Luxury brands sell goods or services that Valentino rockstud are privileged, expensive and sought after. While luxury goods are often made from high-quality materials, their cost far exceeds the materials and effort required to produce them. The high cost of goods from luxury brands reflects a premium that consumers of means are willing to pay to own the luxury label.

In Luxury Brand Management: A World of Privilege, authors Michel Chevalier and Gerald Mazzalovo define luxury brands as “selective and exclusive” and having “the desirable attributes of being scarce, sophisticated and in good tast

Luxury fashion brands sell upscale, sought-after and expensive clothing, shoes and accessories. Examples of popular luxury fashion brands include Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Hermes, Salvatore Ferragamo, Gucci and Prada.

While the most exclusive luxury brands sell truly fendi baguette expensive and uniquely stylish pieces, fashion houses from Salvatore Ferragamo to Hugo Boss have lowered the entry price point for luxury fashion, creating a spectrum of exclusivity and price points depending on the label.

For Italian fashion, 1985 became a landmark year when Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana founded Dolce & Gabbana in a town near Milan.

From leather pantsuits to the bodysuit and crystal bikini worn by Kim Kardashian on Instagram, the company is best known for sensual, playful, and powerful women’s clothes, including vivid dresses inspired by the warmth and vitality of Sicily.

Men also have their pick of boldly-patterned items, such as buttoned shirts and double-breasted jackets made with patchwork designs, as well as $40,000 double-breasted dinner jacket with crystal embellishments, a $7,000 cashmere coat, and $5,000 cargo pants with vintage appliques.

KAAI, a luxury brand synonymous with uncompromising quality, was founded in the Belgian port city of Antwerp with the sole purpose of creating functionally exquisite bags for the contemporary lady on the move. They bring to reality the ultimate handbag, allowing you to carry everything in one bag in an ordered manner. Their sophisticated and flexible handbags are a testament to your multifaceted existence, in which you juggle several jobs while remaining confident in each. KAAI embodies the ideal of pragmatism combined with elegance and usefulness. They provide a new dimension to traditional leather purses and backpacks.

Contact Us:


Via Rovinaccia 15 - 23032 Bormio (SO) - Italy


Creative City - Creative Town - Fujairah (UAE)


+39 (02) 9475996

Website : https://www.luxury-designers.com/

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Luxury Designers
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