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Arya samaj court marriage

Brijesh Shastri
Arya samaj court marriage

Weddings in Arya Samaj are performed quite simply and the rituals are also quite simple. Arya Samaj can be understood by couples of different religions who belong to the great umbrella of Hindus in India. This is usually the preference of couples where one of the couples is Buddhist, Jain or Sikh. The event took place in an Arya Samaj temple according to Vedic custom. 

The songs played during the ceremony are transmitted to the bride and groom according to Vedic principles. In fact, an Arya Samaj wedding is similar to a Hindu wedding because it takes place over a fire. It is also legally recognized under the Arya Samaj Marriage Authentication Act of 1937 under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. Two types of marriage records where couples follow the same faith. If their beliefs are different, then a couple can register under the Special Marriages Act 195. 


Who qualifies for an Arya Samaj marriage? 

The minimum age of the groom must be 21 years old while the bride must be 18 years old. Any Hindu, Buddhist, Jain or Sikh can perform Arya Samaj marriage. Anyone who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsee or Jew can perform this type of wedding. Class marriage and interfaith marriage qualify in an Arya Samaj marriage. But none of those getting married had to be Muslim, Christian, Parsi or Jewish. If a non-Hindu couple wants to get married, Samaj allows them to convert through a process called Shuddhi. Note - A Muslim, Christian, Parsis or Jew, if of their free will and consent willing to convert and accept the Hindu Religion, 

Arya Samaj Mandir performs a ritual called Shuddhi. Shuddhi means purification for such a transformation, and then that convert can perform Arya Samaj marriage. 

The Six Step Procedure to Register Arya Samaj Make an appointment at the District Judge's office. This step takes at least a fortnight. Therefore, it is advisable to start this procedure before the wedding takes place. Complete the registration form. Submit all required proofs and documents. Submit two passport-sized photographs of the bride and groom as well as one wedding photo. 

You can also bring your wedding invitation card (optional). Make sure two witnesses are present to sign. Also, keep in mind that an official dealer's certification is required. Therefore, upon completion of all formalities, the judge will issue a marriage certificate, which will be recognized by the court as legally valid. Necessary documents for the celebration are color photocopies of the bride and groom. Proof of date of birth and proof of address for both parties. Two witnesses attended the wedding ceremony. If one of the spouses is widowed, the widow/widower must present the deceased spouse's death certificate. If one of the spouses is a foreign citizen or holds a foreign passport or has a residence address abroad, then the spouse needs to have a current civil status certificate from the relevant embassy/ Valid NOC and VISA.

Arya Samaj Marriage Ghaziabad

If you want to do marriage through Arya samaj in GhaziabadMeerutNoidaGreater Noida. Then contact Brijesh shastri at : 09458863636. Click here to visit our website: Arya Samaj marriage Ghaziabad

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