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One of the most important things to know when buying a 50ml centrifuge

PCR tube and plate

What Materials Are 50ml Centrifuge Tubes Made of?

One of the most important things to know when buying a 50ml centrifuge tube is what Eppendorf Pipette Tips Manufacturers materials it's made of. There are many types to choose from, including polypropylene and HDPE. Other considerations include the conical bottom, color, opacity, and polypropylene. Read on to find out what these factors mean for your experiments. And remember to always check the manufacturer's warranty.


Polypropylene 50ml centrifugues are available in a variety of sizes and are used in liquid handling, clinical chemistry, and molecular biology. They are sterile and chemically and pyrogen free. Polypropylene centrifuge tubes are available in racks or bags of 25 pieces. They can be used as reagent bottles, as well as for preparing liquid samples for various analyses.

Axygen Brand 50mL centrifuge tubes are made of a sturdy polypropylene homopolymer, and are designed to withstand forces of 12,000 RCF. The tubes also feature large writing surfaces, and are autoclavable. A white upper body and a numerical reference grid make it easy to store a variety of samples and centrifuges. Polypropylene centrifuge tubes can also be used for micro-scale experiments, such as for comparing different concentrations of the same substance.

HDPE caps

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) centrifuge tubes are available in bulk packages or in recyclable racks. These tubes are flat-bottomed, leak-resistant, and feature a white writing area and graduation marks. They are also available in a wide range of temperatures, ranging from -80degC to 120degC. Listed below are a few of the advantages of using HDPE centrifuge tubes.

These caps feature a conical bottom and are leak-proof. They are also convenient to handle and store, and have a level writing area. They are also compatible with most 50ml centrifuge tubes. HDPE centrifuge tubes come in a variety of colors and styles. The CELLTREAT Scientific Products 50mL conical centrifuge tube has a maximum RCF of 16,000g and is accurate to 2%.

PCR tube and plate
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