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Designing Digital Communities – A Software Maker’s Imperative

Designing Digital Communities – A Software Maker’s Imperative

The Evolution of Software

Big monolithic solutions like Baan ERP, Oracle, and SAP R3 still dominated the ERP software market at the beginning of this decade. Many people were relieved that the Y2K issue was mostly resolved without any major crashes. Mobile phones were fashionable, and having a vehicle kit was a sign of status. The globe was embracing the internet. Even with how quickly technology is developing, it could take three years for new software releases to reach the market.

Monolithic architectures prevented software solutions from developing as quickly as customers desire. Client-server and thin clients replaced mainframes in a large number of new businesses. Jan Baan, the creator of the Baan Company, attacked his product and referred to it as the "mother of all complexity." In an audacious move, he founded Cordys, a new BPM firm, in 2002 to democratize development. In a multi-tenant, thin-client system, he urged "citizen developers" to design new application features using "zero-coding" techniques. Due to this, low-code platforms like Mendix, Outsystems, and many others are now possible.

This is the tale of how a solo monolithic product evolved into an open-platform solution. Nowadays, every software developer is thinking about how to take part in the ecosystem economy, whether deliberately or unintentionally. By facilitating connections between others and themselves, they are either driving a keystone role in their ecosystem or taking part in the current ecosystems of Salesforce, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Users have created communities to help sustain, popularize, and extend the goods as they have scaled up into platforms. They direct the use and development of the products by extending the producers' understanding of the products. User guidelines are now obsolete and even supplanted by these online communities.

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