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Achieving Cyber Asset Intelligence with CAASM

bharat malviya
Achieving Cyber Asset Intelligence with CAASM

Many IT and security teams struggle to get the necessary insights into all assets, making them more difficult to secure.

CAASM (Cyber ​​Attack Surface Management) solutions play an important role which are designed to address the issue of asset visibility.

Companies can better manage their cyber assets with Cyber ​​Attack Surface Management (CAASM). Through API integration, an organization can aggregate external and internal assets. It interrogates them and then closes security holes, improving security controls.

Businesses are paying attention because it goes beyond the containerized approach to security and gives them a comprehensive view of everything they manage in their networks.

It reduces the risk of human error by automating data collection and helps businesses move away from less comprehensive in-house solutions.

CAASM can close gaps caused by missing or outdated data and provide visibility into a company’s security tool coverage. It enhances security hygiene by ensuring that all security measures are effective across the board.

In fact, Gartner recognized Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) as an emerging technology in its 2021 Gartner Hype Cycle for Security Operations.

Resistance to new tools

Some businesses may look at CAASM and see their current tools. For networks with adjacent processes and technologies that do identical tasks, the cost and time to adoption may appear exorbitant.

The driving force behind CAASM must be understood by businesses. The ability to remediate flaws and eliminate human error is possible with a single view of all apps and APIs, including those outside of IT control.

Full article: Achieving Cyber Asset Intelligence with CAASM

Cyber Security Industry News


bharat malviya
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