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What is a Cold chamber, and its importance?

Kesar Control
What is a Cold chamber, and its importance?

The Photostability Chamber manufactured by Kesar Control Systems is perfectly designed for the high requirements of stability studies and climatic tests.


Kesar Control Systems is the prominent Manufacturer and Service Provider for Pharmaceuticals Laboratory Equipment’s. We manufactures stability chamber , walk in stability chamberphotostability chambercold chamber, and Incubator like BOD Incubator. Humidity Chamber


The Photostability Chamber is widely used in research institutions and hospitals. Photostability Chamber is developed using state of the art technology to ensure uniform light distribution and convenient adjustment of exposure.

For more details: https://www.kesarcontrol.com/photostability-chamber.php

Cold chambers are specially designed equipment that used for storing, evaluating and testing various materials and products under controlled environmental conditions. A cold chamber is an enclosed space where the temperature and humidity are maintained to store particular product or material. Variation in this temperature can destroy the product. Each product or material has different temperature tolerance. Cold chamber’s application areas are vast and diverse. There are so many applications for a cold chamber. Cold chambers are used in medical, chemical , Automobile, consumer goods etc. BOD Incubators are also used in labs to preserve various samples. It will maintain accurate temperature and other factors that is ideal for preserving that samples.

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