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5 Reasons Why Knockdown Rebuild Is A Great Option For Your Dual Occupancy Home

Aliana Baraquio
5 Reasons Why Knockdown Rebuild Is A Great Option For Your Dual Occupancy Home

Have you been living in the same dual occupancy homes for decades? As you may know, dual occupancy homes consist of two properties in one title. They can either be attached or detached from the main dwelling.

But whether you’ve just outgrown it or it no longer suits your current style, there’s still another way to have a fresh start— knockdown rebuild. Of course, there’s the renovation, but if the place is too old and rusty, there’s no need to maintain its form. Instead, it’s best to remove everything and start from scratch.

When you opt to renovate, the house is still there, but you make big changes. You remove or add walls, add home extensions, and redo the kitchen. But how will you know why you should choose to knock on your dual occupancy homes and rebuild a new one?

If you need help, don’t hesitate to read the list below!

1. You love the location

If you’ve been living in the same area for quite a while now, you must love the location. There are many reasons why someone wouldn’t mind staying in the same place for years. It includes having a great neighbourhood, an ideal view of the surroundings, and easy access to necessities.

So if you love the place so much, but the house starts to deteriorate, plus the fact that you don’t need the dual occupancy homes, a knockdown rebuild is a perfect choice.

Why should you leave the place you love when you can just replace your entire house? Besides, opting for a knockdown rebuild will give you the liberty to achieve your dream house.

2. You want to save money

Did you know that knockdown rebuild costs less than moving or renovating? Since you don’t need to hire a real estate agent and face the hidden charges of renovating, you can prepare your budget based on the house you can afford.

Rebuilding saves money in terms of dealing with old buildings. And if your house looks like something that can no longer be saved, might as well opt to build another one. If you still choose to renovate, you might spend more on unforeseen circumstances, like when a wall suddenly falls.

Usually, there are custom home builders that will help you create the perfect house. But since you also need to save money by choosing to rebuild, you should find the best team.

3. You want a new house style

Have you always liked to have a different style for your house? If you renovate, it would take time and money before you achieve your dream. On the other hand, rebuilding makes it easier to get the exact style you like without compromising anything.

Since you’re going to build almost from scratch, you can choose the best options to achieve your goal. So aside from the control you have over the style, you also have the flexibility to arrange the floorplan.

In addition, the style you choose for the house can be more timeless compared to the current one.

4. You need a stronger foundation

As mentioned, since you have an old house, the foundation might not hold on for the next few years. So to avoid accidents and spend more money, it would be a wise decision to do a knockdown rebuild.

If you choose to renovate, you’ll just be going to improve the things you see. And sometimes, since you don’t see the state of the house’s foundation, you don’t notice if it’s deteriorating or not. So one of the things you should do before deciding is to have the place inspected.

Meanwhile, since you need a stronger foundation, pick the best one for your new home. You can consult your builders about it before deciding.

5. You want to increase the property value

Not all old houses have high market value. In the case of old dual occupancy homes, it would be hard to sell unless they’re just going to tear it down. So if you decide to rebuild, you can still enjoy your new house, plus you can also sell it in a few years. That way, it would be at a higher price than it is today.

Of course, a new home can instantly outbids an old house. But you should also consult with your real estate agent about wise decisions when it comes to the design of the house and other main points.

Furthermore, once you already have a new home, don’t let years go by without any maintenance. If a house receives constant proper care, its market price will increase over time.

Now that you have some ideas about whether a knockdown rebuild is a good idea for your existing dual occupancy homes, it’s up to you to decide. Let us know what you think about rebuilding by leaving a comment below!


Aliana Baraquio writes for Worthington Homes, the new Home Builder in Sydney NSW who makes major life milestones happen, and stays with you through thick and thin. You can also find her trying out new recipes for barbeque and other grilled meals in her free time.

Aliana Baraquio
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