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Graphics Designer Salary For Freshers

Graphics Designer Salary For Freshers

Graphics Designers are an essential part of the creative industry and their skills are in high demand, especially in India. With the rise of digital marketing, graphics designers are one of the most sought-after professionals in the country and the demand for their services is only increasing. 

Given the increasing demand, the salary of graphics designers in India depends on their experience, qualifications, and the kind of work they do. In this blog, we will discuss the salary of graphics designers in India for freshers and how it varies depending on different factors. 

The average salary of a graphics designer in India for freshers is around Rs. 2.9 lakhs per annum. However, the exact salary of a fresher graphics designer depends on several factors such as their experience, qualifications, and the kind of work they do. 

Job Opportunities for Graphic Designers

Graphic design is a rapidly growing industry in India, and there are plenty of job opportunities for those with the right skills and experience. With the growth of digital media, the demand for creative professionals has skyrocketed in India. 

Graphic designers play an important role in creating effective visual communications for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Today, there is a wide range of opportunities available for graphic designers in India. Companies are increasingly relying on digital platforms for marketing and communication, and this has created a surge in demand for graphic designers. 

From creating a website to designing a logo, graphic designers play a vital role in any business. Graphic designers can find jobs in a wide range of industries, including advertising, marketing, web design, video game development, and more. There is also a growing demand for freelance graphic designers in India, as more companies are looking to outsource their design needs. 

Aside from the traditional job market, there are also many online platforms that offer job opportunities for graphic designers in India. These platforms provide a great way for designers to showcase their work and find potential clients.

Skills required to Become a Graphic Designer

1. Creativity: Graphic designers must be able to create original designs that effectively communicate a particular message or concept. 

2. Technical Skills: Graphic designers need to be proficient in a variety of computer graphics programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. 

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Graphic designers must be able to identify a problem and develop creative solutions to solve it. 

4. Communication Skills: Graphic designers must be able to effectively communicate ideas to clients and colleagues. 

5. Time Management Skills: Graphic designers must be able to manage their time and workload efficiently. 

6. Attention to Detail: Graphic designers must pay close attention to detail to ensure that their designs are accurate and of the highest quality. 

7. Visualization Skills: Graphic designers must be able to visualize a concept or idea and translate it into an effective design.

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Fresher graphics designers in India usually start with an entry-level salary of Rs. 2 to 3 lakhs per annum. However, experienced graphics designers can easily earn upwards of Rs. 5 lakhs per annum. The higher the experience, the higher the salary. 


The qualifications of a graphics designer are also important when it comes to their salary. Fresher graphics designers in India usually have a bachelor's degree in design, visual arts, or a related field. Having a master's degree in design can significantly increase their salaries. 

Type of Work

The type of work a graphics designer does also affects their salary. For instance, the salary of a graphics designer who works on corporate projects or advertisements will be much higher than that of a graphics designer who works on small projects. 


The location of the graphics designer also affects their salary. Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Delhi offer higher salaries for graphics designers compared to other cities in India. In addition to the above factors, the salary of graphics designers also depends on the industry they work in. For instance, the salary of a graphics designer in the advertising industry is higher than that of one who works in the gaming industry. 

Significance of Graphic Designers in Various Sectors

Graphic designers are creative professionals who bring visual ideas to life through the use of a variety of design tools such as typography, illustration, photography, and more. They are employed in a variety of industries including advertising, marketing, publishing, web design, television, film, and video game design.

Advertising: Graphic designers are often hired by agencies to work on campaigns for their clients. This involves creating visual concepts, developing layouts, and designing logos, illustrations, and other artwork. 

Marketing: Graphic designers are often employed by marketing teams to create visuals for promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, billboards, and more. They may also be responsible for creating logos, illustrations, and other artwork for websites, packaging, and other marketing materials. 

Publishing: Graphic designers often work with publishers to create visuals for books, magazines, and other publications. They may be responsible for designing book covers, illustrations, and other artwork. 

Web Design: Graphic designers are often employed by web design firms to create websites, user interfaces, and other visuals for the web. They may be responsible for designing logos, illustrations, and other artwork for the website. 

Television: Graphic designers are often hired by television networks to create visuals for commercials, shows, and other programming. They may be responsible for creating logos, illustrations, and other artwork for television programs. 

Film: Graphic designers are often employed by film studios to create visuals for movies, television shows, and other video productions. They may be responsible for creating logos, illustrations, and other artwork for the film. 

Video Game Design: Graphic designers are often employed by video game companies to create visuals for video games. They may be responsible for creating logos, illustrations, and other artwork for the video game.

Graphic designers are employed in a variety of industries and are responsible for creating visuals for a variety of projects. They may be responsible for creating logos, illustrations, and other artwork for advertisements, marketing materials, publications, websites, television programs, films, and video games.


Overall, the salary of graphics designers in India for freshers is around Rs. 2.9 lakhs per annum. However, the exact salary of a fresher graphics designer in India depends on several factors such as their experience, qualifications, type of work, and location. Experienced graphics designers can easily earn more than Rs. 5 lakhs per annum. 

If you are a fresher and looking to pursue a career in graphics designing in India, there are several opportunities available for you. With the right qualifications, experience, and dedication, you can easily find a job as a graphics designer in India and start earning a good salary.

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