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How to cancel Norton’s subscription and get a refund?

Quick Techy
How to cancel Norton’s subscription and get a refund?

Norton allows customers to cancel their subscriptions at any time. They also offer refunds when the subscription ends according to their Norton software cancellation policy. 

What is Norton antivirus?

Norton Antivirus is one of the software products developed by Norton LifeLock. Norton is most famous for its anti-malware features that protect you from computer viruses, but the software can also protect you from phishing and spam emails.

How to cancel a subscription?

If you want to Cancel Norton Subscription within 60 days of purchase, you will be refunded according to their policy. 

  • The last four digits of the credit/debit card you used for the purchase.
  • The expiration date of your card.
  • The email address you used for the purchase.

If you do not receive an invoice, you can cancel the automatic renewal service. If you have already received an invoice, Please contact Norton Customer Service for a refund.

 How to stop Norton auto-renewal?

  • First of all, you should sign in to your Norton account.
  • Now in the dashboard, you will find an automatic renewal section.
  • Just move the slider to off.
  • Finally, confirm your choice to turn off auto-renewal.

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

The terms and conditions of the cancellation and refund policy are flexible and conducive. Norton offers customers a full refund for annual and monthly subscriptions. You will receive a full refund if you cancel your annual subscription within 60 days. If you cancel your monthly subscription within 14 days, you will receive a full refund. Norton tries to grow their customer base through cancellation and refund policies.

How to request a refund?

To get a Norton refund, you will be given 60 days, so if you are charged by the auto-renewal system. When you make a purchase using your debit or credit card for the first time, and due to automatic renewal, your money is taken out, you can get it back, but you must ensure that you request a refund within 60 days of the period.

As per Norton’s norm, the only process for getting your money back is by using Call Norton Support. The best times for calls and immediate response are guaranteed on the following days, such as Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Once you are able to contact Norton Antivirus refund, you need to be patient and wait up to 3 minutes (approximately) for a response. There is also a complaint box where you can write and send your information to get help faster.

Source - https://quicktechy.co.uk/how-to-cancel-nortons-subscription-and-get-a-refund/

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