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Best Ways to Use Korean BBQ Sauce

Sutter Buttes
Best Ways to Use Korean BBQ Sauce

In order to prepare Korean barbecue, various meats are commonly grilled over charcoal. But as a vegan food site, I'm here to discuss how Korean BBQ sauce may be used in a variety of plant-based recipes. Tempeh, tofu, and seitan go well with the spicy flavours of Korean barbecue sauce. Proteins should be pan-seared before the sauce is added and heated through. Moreover, you can use this as a dipping sauce for tacos, pizza, stir-fries with vegetables, and rice and grain bowls. Check out this tofu pizza with Korean BBQ.


What is Korean bbq sauce


One sauce that will have you coming back for more is Korean BBQ sauce. You will undoubtedly adore it if you enjoy other kinds of Asian-style sauces. Korean barbecue sauce is adaptable and can be used pretty much anywhere American barbecue sauce is used. And you can make a pot of this sauce with no special tools! All you need is a knife, whisk, and small sauce pan aside from the microplane zester, which is useful.


How you can Make Korean BBQ Sauce easily


Whisk the corn starch and water until combined, either in a bowl or straight in a sauce pan. The remaining components are added. Bring to a boil before lowering the heat to a simmer. When thickened, cook for 3 to 5 more minutes. When the sauce simmers, it's a good idea to stir constantly. There is no requirement to simmer the sauce beforehand to activate the corn starch if you are adding it directly to a hot skillet with other ingredients, such as a stir fry. Everything should simply be combined in a bowl before being added to the pan.


Is Korean bbq sauce gluten-free?


You should use a tamari that has been verified to be gluten-free in place of traditional soy sauce because it is not gluten-free. The remaining ingredients are all inherently gluten-free. The ingredients used in different Korean BBQ sauce recipes can include things like gochujang paste or fruit. Yet pantry-friendly and easy to create sauces are something I really value. Well this one has been somewhat simplified.


Is it spicy?


The sauce is mild to mediumly spicy thanks to both sriracha and red pepper flakes. Start with fewer red pepper flakes for a milder sauce, then taste and adjust as needed. Despite the fact that Korean BBQ employs a lot of the same meat, such as pork, beef, and chicken, it is usually marinated rather than rubbed with a dry spice or basted with sauce as it cooks. Because it goes well with so many other traditional Korean dishes, pork is a mainstay in Korea.


How long does it keep?


You may freeze Korean BBQ sauce for up to a month or keep it in the fridge for up to a week. With components like soy sauce, sugar, garlic, sesame, and oil, Korean barbecue is also renowned for its particularly sweet flavour. Other recipes for the extremely adventurous add pear and honey for an even more sophisticated flavour profile.

Sutter Buttes
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