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Whether you’re a full-time trekker, an occasional hiker, or someone taking on an outdoor adventure for the first time, India offers an incredible selection of trekking trails to explore and conquer. From the glacial peaks of the Himalayas to tropical forests of the South, India’s geography provides ample room for trekkers and hikers of all experience levels to get outdoors and have some fun.

Trekking Holidays in India

India is teeming with undiscovered vistas, exotic wildlife and some of the world’s most spectacular scenery. Whether you’re looking for a brief hike through the hills or a multi-day trek deep into the mountains, India is an ideal destination for those taking a trekking holiday.

If you’re an experienced trekker, the wide range of trails offered gives you the freedom to explore India with all the freedom and flexibility you can wish for. Or, if you’re just getting into the sport of hiking, India is a great way to find out whether it’s something you enjoy, as there are plenty of trails suited for all levels of ability. No matter what your skill level may be, India has a wide variety of trekking destinations for you to explore.

India Hiking Trails

There are a variety of India hiking trails that offer a different experience depending on your skill level, level of fitness, and experience level. For beginner trekkers, the Doon Valley in Himachal Pradesh is a great place to start. It offers some low-level hikes through beautiful, quiet forests with plenty of wildlife to be spotted along the way. Those with a bit more experience might want to try their hand at tackling one of the higher altitude trails in Indian Himalayas or the Treks in Ladakh & Spiti Valley. Those looking to really push themselves can challenge the high altitude trails in and around the Indian Himalayas.

Best Treks in India

When it comes to trekking in India, there are a few that you simply must not miss out on. Here are the top 5 best treks in India:

1. The Chadar Trek: Located in the frozen wilderness of Ladakh & Spiti Valley, the Chadar Trek is one of the world’s most challenging hikes. Frozen lakes, harsh temperatures and rugged terrain make this one a must for experienced trekkers.

2. The Markha Valley Trek: This classic Indian treks takes you through traditional Ladakhi villages, lush greenery and dramatic mountain views. With ample time for exploration and plenty of rest stops along the way, it’s an enjoyable trek for those of all abilities.

3. Goechala Trek: This 7-day trek offers spectacular views of the Himalayas, including stunning views of Kanchenjunga and Dzongri top. One of the most popular trekking routes in India.

4. Rupin Pass Trek: Situated in the lovely Kinnauri region of India, the Rupin Pass Trek offers stunning views of the Himalayas as you traverse meadows, waterfalls and Himalayan forest.

5. The Kedarkantha Trek: A moderate level trek located in the Garhwal Himalayan ranges, that offers spectacular views and lots of snow. Enjoy the mixture of pine, fir and oak forests while passing hamlets and villages on the trek.

Whether you’re an experienced trekker or a novice looking for an outdoor adventure, India has a wide range of trekking trails to explore. From quick jaunts through beautiful forests, to challenging multi-day treks high up in the mountains, there’s something for everyone. The country’s vast selection of treks offers something for every skill level, so don’t delay, put on your shoes and grab your backpack for an exhilarating trekking holiday in India!

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