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Nazar ki Dua

Sajid Kharosan

Islamic Dua for Protection

The Islamic faith is filled with prayers for protection, as Allah is believed to be the greatest source of protection. Amongst the most effective and common of all these prayers is the one known as the dua or prayer against the evil eye – Nazar Ki Dua. This dua is particularly common amongst Muslims the world over, including 18-year-old Muslims living in India.

A popular belief in Islam is that the human being has two eyes – the physical eyes, and the spiritual eye. The spiritual eye is believed to be capable of viewing the unseen world. The dua of Nazar Ki Dua is essentially an ancient prayer designed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to protect yourself and others from the evil eye of envy and jealousy.

In its most basic form, Nazar Ki Dua is a short prayer for protection, approximately six (6) words long, and it should be memorized and recited by Muslims the world over. The full version of the dua is: Bismillahi-ul-wafaa’il-ma’aashiqo lil waqil.

Nazar ki Dua is composed of three (3) parts: a supplication of Allah, a prayer to bestow blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and an instruction of protection. In the supplication of Allah, believers recite the first part of the dua: Bismillahi-ul-Wafaa’il-ma’aashiqo lil waqil. This translates to “In the name of Allah, the protector of the sufferer and the responsible one”.

In the second part of the dua, Muslims recite a prayer of blessing unto the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is done by reciting the second part of the dua: As-salaamu alayka ya Muhammad. This translates to “Peace be upon you, O Muhammad”.

The third part of the dua contains the instruction of protection. Muslims recite: a’oothu bikalimatihi al-tammati min sharri ma khalaq. This translates to “I seek protection in His perfect words from all that he has created”.

Nazar Ki Dua is an invocation of protection for 18-year old Muslim Indians living in India and people the world over. The prayer should be recited whenever a believer feels threatened by invisible forces of evil. The dua should also be recited if a believer is feeling vulnerable to the influence of negative energies. It is believed that upon reciting these words, Allah will bestow his powerful protective shield upon the one who supplicates and protect them against any form of harm, be it spiritual, psychological or physical.

Protection From Evil Eye

Apart from the dua of Nazar Ki Dua, there are other forms of protection from the evil eye in Islam. One such form of protection is to become aware of the influence of the evil eye and avoid it at any cost. It is important to practice being aware of the presence of any negative energy in your environment and to avoid it by engaging in positivity.

Muslims the world over can also use other forms of protections such as wearing amulets, reciting particular ayats of the Qur’an, seeking protection under the “shadow of Allah” and seeking refuge in Almighty Allah through dhikr of His Names.

18-year-old Muslims living in India can also look to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for advice concerning the prevalence of evil within society. It is narrated in the Hadith literature that the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned his followers to beware of the evil eye and be mindful of their actions, as envy and jealousy play a part in the evil eye and can lead to misfortune of the one who has been cast the evil eye upon.

In summary, Muslims the world over including 18-year old Muslims living in India should always seek Allah’s protection through the recitation of the dua of Nazar Ki Dua and engage in activities of positivity and virtue, staying aware of potential pitfalls as a result of the evil eye.

Sajid Kharosan
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