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How Shared Office Spaces Can Help Build Your Brand

How Shared Office Spaces Can Help Build Your Brand

A shared office, also known as a co-working space, is a type of workspace that allows individuals or small teams to work in a shared environment. These spaces are typically equipped with desks, chairs. And other essential office equipment and are available for rent on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis.

One of the key advantages of shared office spaces is that they offer flexibility. Unlike traditional office spaces. 

However, the question can be asked, “How does Office Spaces Can Help Build Your Brand?”

Shared office spaces also offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional office spaces. Since the space is shared among multiple individuals and teams. The cost of rent, utilities, and other office expenses is divided among the tenants.

Let’s discuss it without delay!

How Does Office Space Help Build Your Brand?

Office space can be a powerful tool in building your brand and reputation. Your office space can be designed to reflect your brand identity, including your company's mission, values, and culture. 

The design, layout, and decor can all help to communicate your brand's personality and style to clients, visitors, and employees. A well-designed and professional-looking office space can also help to enhance your company's credibility and reputation. 

When clients or customers visit your office, they can see firsthand that your business is legitimate, reliable, and professional. Additionally, your office space can be used to create a memorable experience for clients and visitors. 

By creating a workspace that reflects your brand identity, enhances credibility, creates a memorable experience, and builds community and culture. You can establish your business as a leader in your industry and attract loyal customers and employees.

The most recent research report predicts that the worldwide flexible office market will be worth roughly USD 55.20 billion in 2021 and will generate USD 201.28 billion in sales by 2030, with a CAGR of roughly 20.34% between 2022 and 2030.

Top 5 Benefits of Shared Office Renting

  1. Cost savings: One of the most significant benefits of shared office renting is the cost savings it offers. Renting a shared office space can be more cost-effective than renting a traditional office space since the costs are shared among the tenants..
  2. Flexible lease terms: Shared office spaces typically offer flexible lease terms, allowing tenants to rent space on a short-term basis, such as by the day, week, or month. This provides greater flexibility for businesses that may have fluctuating office space needs.
  3. Access to amenities: Shared office spaces often come with a range of amenities, such as high-speed internet, printing and scanning facilities, conference rooms, and kitchen facilities. 
  4. Networking opportunities: Shared office spaces can provide excellent networking opportunities, as tenants have the chance to meet and collaborate with other professionals in their industry. This can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities.
  5. Professional image: Renting a shared office space can help to create a professional image for your business. This can be particularly beneficial for startups or small businesses that may not have the resources to lease a dedicated office space.

Are there Any Privacy Concerns in a Shared Office?

Yes, there are privacy concerns to consider when working in a shared office space. One of the most significant concerns is data privacy. Shared office spaces often have shared Wi-Fi networks, which can potentially be accessed by other tenants. 

This means that sensitive information, such as passwords or financial data, could be at risk if proper cybersecurity measures are not in place. In addition, confidentiality can be a challenge in a shared office space. As it can be difficult to ensure privacy when discussing sensitive topics with clients or colleagues. 

Noise levels can also be a concern, as shared office spaces can be noisy, making it difficult to have private conversations. Furthermore, shared amenities such as kitchens or meeting rooms can be accessed by other tenants, potentially compromising confidential or sensitive information.

It is important to choose a shared office space that has privacy and security measures in place. Such as secure Wi-Fi networks, soundproofing, and private meeting rooms. Establishing clear guidelines for privacy and confidentiality can also help to mitigate these concerns.

Tips for Shared Office Renting

  1. Research your options: Take the time to research different shared office spaces in your area to find one that meets your specific needs. Look for spaces that offer the amenities, location, and pricing that work best for you.
  2. Read the lease carefully: Before signing a lease agreement, be sure to read it carefully and understand all the terms and conditions. Pay special attention to factors such as rental rates, lease length, security deposits, and cancellation policies.
  3. Be respectful of others: Shared office spaces are designed for collaboration and community, so it's important to be respectful of other tenants. Keep noise levels to a minimum, clean up after yourself. And be considerate when using shared amenities.
  4. Invest in cybersecurity: Since shared office spaces often have shared Wi-Fi networks. It's essential to invest in cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information. This may include using a virtual private network (VPN), encrypting files, and regularly updating security software.
  5. Network and collaborate: Take advantage of the networking opportunities that shared office spaces offer. Attend events, introduce yourself to other tenants, and look for opportunities to collaborate on projects or initiatives.

Shared Office VAT & TAX Policies



VAT Registration

Shared office providers must register for VAT with the National Board of Revenue (NBR) if their annual turnover exceeds BDT 3 million.

VAT Rate

Shared office providers must charge VAT at a rate of 5% on their services and remit the same to the NBR.

VAT Exemption

If the shared office provider rents out the space without providing any additional services. They may be exempt from VAT if the rental income is less than the VAT registration threshold of BDT 3 million.

Income Tax

Shared office providers are required to pay income tax on their net profits, with the tax rate varying based on their annual income.

Tax Rate

If the annual income of the shared office provider exceeds BDT 25 lakh, they are required to pay a tax rate of 30%. If the annual income is below BDT 25 lakh, the tax rate may vary between 10-25%.

A  Comparison Between Shared Office & Coworking Space


Shared Office Spaces

Coworking Spaces

Lease terms

Longer-term leases

Shorter-term leases or memberships


Basic amenities such as Wi-Fi and desks

Full range of amenities such as printing, conference rooms, and lounges


More private with designated workspaces

Less private with shared workspaces


Smaller and more intimate

Larger and more diverse


Limited networking opportunities

Extensive networking opportunities


Lower costs for dedicated desks or private offices

Higher costs for more amenities and flexibility


shared office spaces offer numerous benefits for individuals and small businesses, including cost savings, flexible lease terms, access to amenities, networking opportunities, and a professional image. They are an excellent option for those who need a workspace without the long-term commitment of a traditional office lease. 

However, it's important to be aware of potential privacy concerns and take steps to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information. By following these tips and choosing a shared office space that meets your specific needs.

If you have any Question to ask, Please Contact Us!


  1. What types of businesses are suitable for a shared office?

Shared offices are suitable for a wide range of businesses, including freelancers, startups, small businesses, and remote workers. They can also be a good option for companies.

  1. How much does it cost to rent a shared office?

The cost of renting a shared office varies depending on factors such as location, amenities. And the level of service provided. Some shared offices offer monthly memberships. while others require longer-term leases. 

  1. What amenities are typically included in a shared office?

Shared offices typically include basic amenities such as desks, chairs, Wi-Fi, and printing facilities. Some also provide access to meeting rooms, kitchens, lounges, and other common areas. 

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