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Symptoms That Indicate A Blown Head Gasket

Dave Whitmer

"Changing a head gasket is really not something that someone wants to do. For both the owner and the expert, the requirement to disassemble the engine entirely in order to place a metal sheet in the middle is a nightmare. Before delving into the symptoms, let's look at how the ruptured head gasket seals the engine."

It is really not someone's desire to change a head gasket. The fact that the engine must be completely disassembled in order to insert a metal sheet in the middle is a nightmare for both the owner and the professional.

A small number of people attempt to solve the problem by selling the automobile and forcing the costly repairs onto someone else, while others decide to use liquid sealers. However, leaks are not always easy to plug, and for some people, selling their cars is not an option. It would be unfortunate if one had to take a bullet in this situation.

Since you cannot manually test for one at home or drive for an extended period while driving in such a situation, it is crucial to be aware of the different tell-tale indications that could confirm a blown head gasket. But let's first examine how the seal-blown head gasket works to seal the engine before digging into its symptoms.

Signs of A Blown Head Gasket

It's challenging to overlook the signs of a burst head gasket. When there is a loss of compression, the car often runs very poorly due to the power loss and incorrect combustion. These indicators would indicate a possible blown head gasket repair.

Coolant that bubbles

Pressurized air in the radiator is one of the more obvious and observable indicators that you have a gasket leak because the head gasket's purpose is to seal the combustion processes. Air will enter the radiator through the engine and cause the cooling system to lose combustion pressure, which will result in bubbles forming in the coolant. 

Too Much White Smoke

As you move to the back of the car, you'll notice a recognizable white smoke rising from the exhaust pipe. This is another incredibly typical symptom. White smoke can only be the result of fluids, mainly coolant, seeping into the combustion chamber. As with the overflowing radiator, this happens after the issue has progressed past the initial warning indications.

Engine Failures

Engine misfires are very harsh on an engine's internal parts. Unchecked misfires have the potential to destroy the engine beyond repair in addition to harming the head gasket.

It's recommended to stop driving right away and have the engine checked out if you hear any strange noises coming from the engine or if it sputters or shudders. Misfires can occur for a variety of causes, but when addressed promptly, they are typically relatively simple to repair.


A new seal-blown head gasket costs very little, yet having it replaced is one of the costliest and labour-intensive tasks a mechanic must perform. Maintaining your car's engine temperature and keeping up with essential maintenance are the most crucial things you can do to avoid such significant expenses.

Dave Whitmer
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