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Long Tail Keywords : This Brilliant SEO Technique Outreaches Users

Vandy Atonal

Primary Keywords in SEO are a springboard for two reasons

●     Google BOTS to crawl and Rank by on the Search Engine Result Page.

●     To be visible to the Targeted Audience.

Toronto website design agency has benefitted a lot because of this technique.


The below graph on Online Marketing tool SEMRUSH helps explain keyword types. https://www.semrush.com/kb/685-what-are-long-tailed-keywords to explain the keyword types.


Primary Keywords are :

  1. Short Tail /Head Terms – 1-2 word phrases that aren’t clear on the intent. Below graph shows “Tomato Plant” as the Head Term.
  2. Body Phrases – A moderately specific set of words that gives a lump sum idea of the user’s search. Please refer to the below graph where “When to plant tomatoes” or “tomato plants for sale” are body phrases. The search volume is high in the above two, so is the competition. It is quite impossible to rank high with steep competition using these limited phrases (there’re paid-ads on the top 3 spaces of the search engine).
  3. Long Tail Keywords – Low search volume phrases that illustrate user-specific situation or intent. “Why are tomato plants turning yellow” are specific to the user search. This phrase is low search. But the conversion rate is high because the user looking for these phrases is likely closer to buy.

 An Example: If someone is looking for a Mississauga digital marketing agency for a job/internship/services. He can use many ways to reach his results.

●     Top Ranked SEO Company in Mississauga

●     Best Digital Marketing Company in Mississauga

●     PPC company in Toronto to work with

●     Top 5 Social Media Company in Mississauga

●     Best Digital Marketing Company in Mississauga to work in

Understanding the power of Long Tail Keywords with the below points.

●     Short tail keywords with High search volume like “SEO Company”, “Toronto”, “Digital Marketing” are ambivalent. They do not ensure ranking on the first page. Short Keywords act more like common nouns which target a huge audience who may not even reach your site.

●     Body phrases like “SEO company in Mississauga”, “Digital Marketing Company in Mississauga”, “Social Media Company in Mississauga”, “PPC company in Mississauga” describes the search. But the intent is not clear.

●     Long Tail Keywords like ” 5 Best SEO company in Mississauga to work with”, “Best Jobs in Digital Marketing Company in Mississauga”, “Solution Provider for Social Media Company in Mississauga “, “Service Provider for PPC company in Mississauga” clears the user’s search criterion. One needs to understand what the audience is going to type for their search, i.e. user intent, before keyword optimization. Visitors may phrase their search in different ways on the same topic.

There are many more ways to phrase the above search. We need to gauge these searches and use them as our keywords to increase our chances of higher ranking. Long term keywords (phrases users type to reach us) have the power to deliver. It gives us an edge over our competitors. Its application is effective in a cluster form as its individual use does not fetch enough traffic. A bunch of these keywords are clustered and used in a blog. A series of posts may also be published with the targeted keywords to generate awareness for the website. It pursues the users to clink or visit the website. Using individual keywords in each blog is ineffective. It is a task to keep an account of each dedicated keyword with the ever-changing user behaviour. As SEO strategists, it is imperative to keep up with the changing trends of keywords to upkeep the website ranking.


Vandy Atonal
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