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Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Pregnancy

Dr. Rohit Batra
Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Pregnancy

Hair removal is one of the major concerns of females. Laser therapy is the safest alternative to traditional methods for removing unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is a painless procedure with no downtime. But whether this laser light-based treatment is safe to consider during pregnancy needs discussion. 


Regarding this, insights have been taken from experts in laser hair removal in Delhi. Based on the insights, this blog has been prepared. It will help you learn whether considering laser treatment for unwanted hair removal during pregnancy is good. So, you are advised to go through the post carefully.   

Laser Hair Removal 

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive laser-based treatment. In this method, laser lights target the roots of unwanted hair and destroy their growth factor (melanin). This heat produced by the laser lights enters the dermal layer and bursts the hair follicle's melanin. Laser is the safest procedure to consider for hair-free skin. 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal 

Some of the key advantages of considering laser hair removal are as follows-

  • One can receive long-lasting freedom from unwanted hair.
  • After the session, skin tone gets improved.
  • No downtime and darker skin tone are associated with the treatment.
  • It has negligible counter-effects of redness and itching. It will go within a few days. 

Consideration of Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy

However, laser hair removal is the safest procedure to consider. But, usually, it is advised to avoid laser treatment during the pregnancy phase. This is because ultraviolet rays of laser treatment may harm the fetus. This is an assumption. However, the consequences of laser hair removal on pregnancy have not been thoroughly investigated despite the lack of hard data indicating that the procedure directly damages the fetus.

Laser hair removal may cause discomfort or bad effects during pregnancy since pregnancy hormones might make the skin more sensitive. Furthermore, the fetus may be impacted by the skin's absorption of laser energy. However, the precise degree of this risk is still being determined.

As a result, many medical professionals advise against having laser hair removal done while pregnant. To reduce the risk of laser hair removal to both the female and her unborn child, it is usually advisable to wait until after pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Laser hair removal is the safest procedure to consider for unwanted hair reduction. This multiple session-based treatment is beneficial for removing unwanted hair without facing any downtime or counter effect. This treatment is suitable for all skin types, and one can take it at any stage of life. But, if the candidate is a pregnant female, doctors usually advise such candidates to avoid the treatment until that phase, including breastfeeding, is over. 

Candidates should consult laser experts to learn more about laser hair removal while pregnant. To find one, the laser expert may visit DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics and schedule an appointment with Dr. Rohit Batra. He is the founder of this advanced clinic. The doctor offers unwanted hair removal performed by skilled laser experts at this clinic. They use Alma Soprano Ice and Alma Soprano Ice Platinum laser techniques for one of the most satisfying outcomes. To get more details about these laser hair removal techniques and eligibility criteria, visit the DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics today.

Dr. Rohit Batra
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