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Elizabeth Gagnon: Sharing Stories and Weaving a Bright Future

Taaza Time News


In a world where the tea leaves whisper secrets, and steam paints dreams in the air, there's heaven behind a screen called Miss Liz's Tea Time There are no cucumber sandwiches or bone china here, mind you. It is a gathering of ideas, a kaleidoscope of faces swirling around a virtual samovar, united by the clinking of laughter and the fragrant whispers of shared stories.

Imagine a place where a street artist from Tokyo trading brushes with a muralist from Mumbai, their art merging into a tapestry of hope while sipping tea, or a tech wizard from Berlin finds a kindred spirit in a coder from Kenya, their lines code weaving a brighter future on Miss Liz's Tea Time table.

But Elizabeth Gagnon , the Founder and Owner of Miss Liz's Tea Time , is the enigmatic hostess with eyes that twinkle like aged oolong is more than just a tea server. She is a survivor with a mindset of creating a difference by being different to get different results; she is also an international author—a speaker, advocate, and ambassador of peace for humanity by serving human races around the globe. Miss Liz's Tea Time aims to bring awareness to projects, movements, organizations, foundations, programs, services, and individuals making a positive impact in communities and beyond.

Elizabeth wanted to create a space to highlight and celebrate these inspiring initiatives and people. She wants to inspire others to get involved and make a difference in their communities by sharing their stories and accomplishments.

Elizabeth Gagnon: A Survivor's Steaming Inspiration

While sharing her inspiring and motivational story, she asserts, "As a survivor with a mindset of creating different by being different to get different results, I am an International Author—speaker, Advocate and Ambassador of Peace for humanity by serving human races around the globe. As the Founder and Owner of Miss Liz's Tea Time, I created this platform to bring awareness to projects, movements, organizations, foundations, programs, services, and individuals making a positive impact in communities and beyond. I wanted to create a space where these inspiring initiatives and people could be highlighted and celebrated. I want to inspire others to get involved and make a difference in their communities by sharing their stories and accomplishments."

From Living Room Chats to Global Brews: The Story of Miss Liz's Tea Time

In 2015, amidst a cosy gathering of strong women, Elizabeth brewed a beautiful idea that isn't just about tea and scones but about celebrating community, connection, and the power of shared stories. This intimate living room gathering blossomed into Miss Liz's Tea Parties, a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse individuals, meaningful conversations, and delicious themed teas.

Yet, Elizabeth was not satisfied with keeping the warmth contained. In 2016, her Tea parties found a new home in Cornwall, Ontario, welcoming a broader range of voices and perspectives. Then, in 2020, the world went virtual, and Miss Liz's Tea Time stepped onto the digital stage, transcending borders and bringing people together like never before.

What is the secret ingredient? The magic of connection brewed over steaming cups. Elizabeth recognized the transformative power of shared stories, laughter and tears over teacups. Her parties and virtual teatime interviews allowed individuals and organizations to share their passions, projects, and dreams. From entrepreneurs to artists, advocates to everyday heroes, each guest brought a unique flavor to the T-E-A table, inspiring and motivating others through their journeys.

However, Miss Liz's Tea Time is not just about sipping and listening; it is about taking action. The connections forged over teacups blossomed into collaborations, support systems, and positive change in communities worldwide.

Amidst sharing Miss Liz's Tea Time inspiring tale, Elizabeth shares the vision of and says, "Tea Time gatherings (parties and teatime podcast interviews) contribute to the mission of Miss Liz's Tea Time by providing a platform for individuals and organizations to come together, share their stories, and build networks. These gatherings create a supportive and inclusive environment where attendees can learn from each other, collaborate on projects, and find like-minded individuals who share their passion for positively impacting their communities. By fostering these connections, Miss Liz's Tea Time aims to amplify the impact of these initiatives and inspire others to take action."

Impactful Moments Forthcoming at Miss Liz's Tea Time

Miss Liz's Tea Time isn't just tea; it's a bridge to bring inevitable change in the community! Its in-person community events prompted a person to donate one thousand dollars to the services in the community where the fundraising event was hosted.

Another impactful event was when an organization came on her podcast as a guest, and their children started receiving school supplies and uniforms for their schools. While sharing her impactful moments, Elizabeth states,"In the four seasons, I have interviewed over 325 individuals from across the globe with not only community issues but global events that affect worldwide. Like Sex trafficking, Children's Education, Safety Services and programs that have life-moving movements and missions as well. Bringing people together to impact a stronger world for humanity and the future of the generations to come. Overcoming the pandemic and showing that pivoting your business and opening up the virtual land of diversity and inclusion globally. With Season five starting, I hope to bring you different ways of serving not only through podcast interviews, speaking and books but also through global events, workshops and writing and serving honest tea of words of the past, present and future in a different way of serving tea with the leadership of genuinely supporting my guest before during and after we have connected."

She further narrates, "At Miss Liz's Tea Time, I consider identifying and selecting projects and individuals to be featured in our tea gatherings. I strive to showcase diverse initiatives that align with our social impact, community building, and positive change values. I identify potential projects and individuals through research, recommendations, and community outreach. I actively seek initiatives that make a difference in their communities, address critical social issues, and demonstrate innovative approaches to creating positive change. I also consider the potential impact and relevance of the project or individual to my audience and the causes I support. When I feature a project or individual in my tea podcast interviews and events, they can share their story, raise awareness about their cause, and connect with a broader audience. These spotlights can have a significant impact on the grounds they represent by:

  • 1.Increasing Visibility
  • By featuring them in my tea business, I help spotlight their work, giving them increased visibility and exposure to potential supporters, collaborators, and donors.

  • 2.Building Networks
  • My teatime podcast interviews and events bring together a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about social impact. It creates opportunities for the featured projects and individuals to build meaningful connections, expand their networks, and find potential partners or mentors.

  • 3.Inspiring Action
  • By sharing their stories and experiences, the featured projects and individuals can inspire others to take action and get involved in similar causes. They serve as role models and catalysts for change, motivating others to impact their communities positively. I aim to amplify the impact of the projects and individuals I feature, support their causes, and inspire others to join the movement for positive change."

A Glimpse into Diverse Connections Made at Miss Liz's Tea Time

The pandemic wasn't a barrier; it was cultivating a change! When tea parties shifted online in 2020, Miss Liz saw an opportunity. It wasn't just about keeping the teacups clinking but about planting seeds of global impact. This virtual land wouldn't just unify the conversations but cultivate a diverse, inclusive garden of change.

Beyond podcast interviews, Elizabeth facilitates connections that blossom into real-world impact. Here's a taste:

  • 1.Collaboration between My Guests
  • During one of our teatimes, a single mom printing business focused on printing merchandise through a joining of support one another. It is seen on Miss Liz's website that it brings two countries together: Canada and the United Kingdom. Miss Liz also runs a Facebook page where she has been the driving page for awareness of schools needing donations. She uses that to bring you direct links to the schools in different countries like Africa, Pakistan, Nepal and many more around the globe.

  • 2.Mentorship and Guidance
  • At another tea gathering, a young entrepreneur who had developed a sustainable peace brand connected with an industry expert who attended the event. This connection led to a mentorship relationship where the expert provided guidance and advice on scaling the business, sourcing sustainable materials, and marketing strategies. The mentorship helped the entrepreneur grow their mission and increase their impact on sustainable youth development.

  • 3.Fundraising and Increased Support
  • Miss Liz's Tea Time has also been successful in helping projects and causes raise funds and gain increased support. By bringing together a passionate and engaged audience, we create an environment where attendees can learn about different initiatives and choose to support them. Many guests have donated directly, pledged ongoing support, or even volunteered their time and expertise to the highlighted projects and causes.

  • 4.Cross-Sector Collaborations
  • My teatime podcast interviews often unite individuals from different sectors, such as non-profit organizations, businesses, academia, and government. These diverse connections have led to cross-sector collaborations where people come together to address complex social issues.

The Teabag Story Award: Collaboration for Acceptance and Impact

The Teabag Story Award, created by Miss Liz in 2016, embodies acceptance and individuality. Each handcrafted wooden plaque, made by JC's Wood Creations in Ontario, represents embracing differences and being seen for who you are. Only eight awards have been given to individuals who made significant community impact through their life stories. One Junior Award highlights the importance of young changemakers.

Miss Liz envisions the awards' role in schools and graduations, inspiring students to pursue social good. A planned scholarship program and collaboration with students interested in supporting innovative businesses serving humanity further emphasize this vision.

The Teabag Story Award reflects the values of acceptance, diversity, bravery, and giving voice to the voiceless, aligning with Miss Liz's Business and Miss Liz's Tea Time, a platform connecting individuals passionate about social impact.

Miss Liz's Tea Time has evolved from tea gatherings for discussing social issues to a powerful networking platform and catalyst for action. Miss Liz believes in the transformative power of collaboration and collective impact, facilitating partnerships to tackle complex social challenges.

Miss Liz actively engages with the community, incorporating their feedback into her strategy. She continuously explores new ways to amplify Miss Liz's Tea Time's impact, expanding its reach through events, technology, and strategic partnerships.

Through the Teabag Story Award and Miss Liz's Tea Time, Miss Liz empowers individuals to connect, collaborate, and create positive change. Her dedication to celebrating individual impact and fostering collective action paves the way for a brighter future filled with acceptance, understanding, and positive social change.

Sipping Tea, Shaping the World

When we asked about how Miss Liz balances the entertainment and critical discussion at her Miss Liz's Team Time platform, while responding to it, she says,"Balancing creating an enjoyable social experience with delivering impactful messages and raising awareness for the causes I support is a crucial aspect of Miss Liz's Tea Time events. Creating a positive and engaging environment is essential to foster meaningful connections and effectively convey our messages. To achieve this balance, I use various strategies. Thoughtful duration of topics:"

Explaining her point further, she mentions,

  • "1. I carefully select relevant, thought-provoking topics and align them with the causes I support. These topics are the foundation for discussions during our teatime events, allowing us to raise awareness and educate listeners and supporters about social issues engagingly and interactively.

  • 2. Engaging Speakers: invite passionate and knowledgeable guest speakers about the causes I support and resonate with. I want to bring that understanding of living and speaking it, which has a more significant impact. These teatime guests not only deliver impactful messages but also possess the ability to connect with the audience and create an enjoyable experience.

  • 3. Interactive Activities: incorporate interactive activities into the events and experiences to encourage participation and engagement. These activities may include group discussions, brainstorming sessions, or even creative exercises that allow participants to express their thoughts and ideas.

  • 4. Collaboration with Partner Organizations:Plans for Miss Liz's Teatime. I will collaborate with partner organizations with expertise in the causes I support. This collaboration allows us to bring diverse perspectives, resources, and experiences to my events.

  • 5. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere: I made it home-style and comfortable for my guests by working with them before, during and after and staying connected for future speaking engagements or gatherings events. To ensure that participants, guests and supporters feel at home. Feel relaxed and open to meaningful conversations. It creates a positive social experience that enhances the overall impact of our events. By combining these strategies, I aim to balance creating an enjoyable social experience and delivering impactful messages. When people feel connected, inspired, and empowered through my events, they are more likely to take meaningful action and become advocates for the causes I support and offer."

Sipping Awareness, Sparking Action

Miss Liz's Tea Time doesn't just spill the tea on social issues; it fosters a potent blend of connection and awareness. Measuring the impact of these conversations requires a unique recipe.

Firstly, they simmer the heat of engagement. Active participation in discussions, eager attendance (both live and virtual), and repeat visitors indicate people actively connecting with the issues. Feedback adds flavour: post-event surveys and recommendations reveal how their events resonate and inspire action, ensuring every cup overflows meaningfully. However, the social media platforms – likes, shares, and comments like steam- carry their message beyond the room, sparking online conversation. The wider the reach, the deeper the engagement, the more potent the impact. By monitoring these activities, Miss Liz's Tea Time ensures their events aren't just delightful sips but stepping stones towards a better world, one conversation at a time.

Obstacles and Opportunities in Multi-Platform Broadcasting for Miss Liz's Tea Time

When we asked Miss Liz about the challenges and the opportunities she had to face during her journey, recollecting her memories, she says,"There can be obstacles and possibilities in reaching a wide audience while broadcasting across numerous platforms, including live streaming and others. Some common challenges and opportunities include:

  • 1.Technical Challenges: Broadcasting live across multiple platforms can present technical hurdles such as internet connectivity issues, audio or video quality problems, or platform-specific compatibility issues.

  • 2.Audience Fragmentation: Broadcasting across numerous platforms means the audience is spread out, making it challenging to consolidate viewership metrics and engage with everyone effectively.

  • 3.Platform-specific Engagement: Each platform may have unique features and mechanisms. Managing multiple platforms simultaneously can be demanding, requiring dedicated resources to monitor comments, answer questions, and encourage interaction.

  • 4.Discoverability and Promotion: Ensuring the event reaches a broad audience can be challenging with numerous platforms available. Effective promotion across various channels, including social media, newsletters, and partnerships, is essential to maximize visibility and attract viewers.

  • 5.Content Adaptation: Different platforms may have varying audience preferences and content formats. Adapting the content to suit each platform and audience can be time-consuming but can significantly improve engagement.

  • 6.Analytics and Evaluation: Analyzing viewership and engagement metrics across multiple platforms can be complex. However, it provides valuable insights into audience behaviour, preferences, and the effectiveness of each platform."

While sharing her views, Miss Liz states,"While there are obstacles to overcome, leveraging multiple platforms for broadcasting provides possibilities for increased reach, diverse audience engagement, and enhanced visibility for Miss Liz's Tea Time events. With careful planning, technical preparedness, and tailored content, the potential to reach a wider audience is significant."

From Teacups to a Global Legacy

Miss Liz's Tea parties aim to foster bigger audiences (online and live), enhance virtual experiences, and strengthen their tea-loving community. They envision educating through workshops and webinars, prioritizing sustainability and ethical tea practices, and even giving back through philanthropy. What is their ambitious goal? She wants to become a legacy business that connects people and businesses globally, all while showcasing the power of collaboration and partnerships.

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