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Treadmill or Elliptical: Which Machine Burns More Calories?

Treadmill Doctor
Treadmill or Elliptical: Which Machine Burns More Calories?


The debate over whether a treadmill or an elliptical burns more calories is a common topic in the fitness world. If you're trying to decide between a treadmill and an elliptical machine for your cardio workout, it's important to consider your fitness goals and personal preferences. Treadmills are great for high-intensity cardio and work multiple muscle groups, while ellipticals offer low-impact cardio and target both upper and lower body muscles. 

Both machines have their advantages, so it's recommended to mix them into your fitness routine for a comprehensive approach to staying fit. Remember to challenge yourself, stay motivated, and aim for progress in your fitness journey. You can check out an expert guide on buying the best elliptical and treadmill for your needs.

How do calories burned differ between a treadmill and an elliptical machine?

The number of calories burned on a treadmill versus an elliptical machine can vary based on several factors:

1. Treadmill: The Calorie Burner

  • Treadmills provide an efficient way to burn calories through consistent cardio exercise. Users can increase intensity and maximize calorie burn by adjusting speed, incline, and duration. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) on a treadmill involving alternating high and low-intensity bursts can significantly increase calorie burn compared to steady-state running or walking. Running quickly or at a steep incline also results in higher calorie expenditure. 

  • Furthermore, regular treadmill workouts can improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and increasing endurance. Overall, utilizing a treadmill for varied workouts can effectively burn calories and boost cardiovascular fitness.

2. Elliptical: The Low-Impact Calorie Burner

  • Elliptical machines offer low-impact, total-body workouts that can effectively burn calories. While elliptical workouts may feel less intense than treadmill runs, they can still provide a good calorie burn when performed at higher intensities or with added resistance. Elliptical workouts are gentler on the joints, making them ideal for individuals with joint issues or injuries. 

  • The elliptical's smooth, elliptical motion reduces the impact on the knees, hips, and back, allowing for a challenging workout without causing additional strain. Overall, the elliptical machine is a great option for those looking to burn calories while reducing the risk of joint discomfort. 

Which machine burns more calories: the treadmill or elliptical?

The factors that impact calorie burn on treadmills and ellipticals include speed, incline/resistance level, user's weight and muscle mass, duration of workout, and overall intensity. 

Treadmills tend to burn more calories at high speeds and incline levels. At the same time, ellipticals provide a lower-impact workout that can still be effective for calorie burning due to full-body engagement.

When comparing the calorie-burning potential of each machine under varying conditions, it can be observed that treadmills typically burn more calories in shorter durations due to the higher impact nature of the workout. 

However, ellipticals can also be effective for calorie burn, especially for individuals with joint issues or those seeking a low-impact option. Overall, the effectiveness of calorie burn on these machines depends on individual factors such as fitness level, workout intensity, and personal preferences.

How can individuals maximize calorie burn on a treadmill or elliptical?

Any individual can maximize calories burned on a treadmill or elliptical by:

Incorporate interval training: Alternating between high and moderate-intensity periods can significantly increase calorie burn.

  • Increase incline: Walking or running on an incline on the treadmill or elliptical machine can engage more muscles and increase calorie burn.
  • Utilize arm motion: Some elliptical machines have movable handles that engage the upper body muscles, increasing overall calorie burn.
  • Maintain proper form: Keeping a straight posture and engaging core muscles can help maximize calorie burn by ensuring proper muscle engagement.
  • Use resistance: Increasing the resistance level on the elliptical machine can add intensity and challenge your muscles, resulting in higher calorie burn.
  • Stay consistent: Consistency is key to maximizing calorie burn. Regular workouts on the treadmill or elliptical will help increase overall endurance and calorie burn over time.
  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for optimal performance and calorie burn during treadmill or elliptical workouts. Ensure you drink enough water before, during, and after your workout.

Consider a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine to ensure it is appropriate for your fitness level and health goals.


In conclusion, both treadmills and elliptical machines offer effective ways to burn calories and improve overall fitness. Whether you prefer the high-intensity cardio of a treadmill or the low-impact workout of an elliptical, choosing the right machine depends on your fitness goals and personal preferences. 

To maximize calorie burn, consider incorporating both machines into your routine for a well-rounded approach to fitness. Take on the challenge, stay active, stay motivated, and strive for progress in your fitness journey. Consult with a fitness professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs, and start your calorie-burning journey by looking into some best treadmill reviews and elliptical reviews.

Treadmill Doctor
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