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How to know if you have a hernia?

Robotic Surgery

Most people consider a hernia as an apparent lump in the tummy. This is true, alright, but some other signs of hernia may appear as something completely different. It’s important to seek professional medical advice and not overlook it or diagnose yourself by thinking your signs are trivial. This will ensure your safety and well-being.

Some unattended ruptures can be extremely dangerous. Here are the 5 symptoms you might have a hernia. But before that, let us find out what a hernia is. It’s important to understand the potential severity of unattended hernias, as this can lead to serious health complications.

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a muscle or tissue tear that causes internal parts protrusion. It can be an organ bulge or intestines. Sometimes, you may see a hernia; it depends on where and how big it is. Some activities like bending over or lifting heavy things can make it worse.

In most instances, hernias usually occur in the groin area. Inguinal hernias are those popular types that develop in the groin and are more common among men as compared to women. Meanwhile, femoral hernias happen near the inguinal canal at the upper thigh level. These have a much lower prevalence and are predominantly noted among females.

Midline hernias are referred to as ventral when they occur on your abdomen, while incisional hernias take place at places where there have been past surgical cuts on the belly. Umbilical hernias show up around your navel, mostly occurring among infants. Understanding these different types of hernias can help you identify potential symptoms and seek appropriate medical attention.

An opening in your chest or diaphragm wall allows part of the upper stomach to protrude into it, thus forming a hiatal hernia. The acid in your stomach can get out and reach your esophagus through this hernia. The esophagus refers to a tube that links the throat with the stomach. Symptoms of hiatal hernias include acid reflux, indigestion, and heartburn.

Congenital disabilities also encompass hernias. It is referred to as a congenital diaphragmatic ventral hernia when your diaphragm does not form properly. After that, there might be a space for the movement of your stomach into your chest. Sometimes, doctors may find this defect while you are still young as an infant, but sometimes, they may not realize it until later years in life. In extreme cases, however, your lungs and hearts are crowded by the stomach that goes into your chest cavity itself, hence leading to more severe problems. When treated correctly through surgery, it will help them diminish other complications like chronic respiratory problems.

5 Signs You Might Have a Hernia

Hernias are often encountered in medical practice when an organ or tissue emerges from the muscle or connective tissue that is weak and holds it. Although they could appear in any part of the human body, the most common places are the belly or the groin. Hernias by themselves may not be life-threatening, but they produce pain and discomfort and, at times, can result in major issues.

Here are the 5 Signs You Might Have a Hernia:

A lump or bulge- A hernia is usually identified with a noticeable bulging under the skin. Sometimes, this swelling disappears. It can be more apparent when you cough, strain, laugh, or are on your feet for long periods. At times, the bulge might be pushed back in (a reducible hernia), while at other times, it might become stuck (incarcerated hernia).

Pain and discomfort- The intensity of pain and discomfort will vary according to the kind of hernia experienced. There may be a dull ache, acute pain, or burning sensation around that bump area. This is generally aggravated by events that raise intra-abdominal pressure, such as heavy lifting, straining during defecation, or persistent coughing.

Weakness or heaviness- Some people feel weak and heavy when they have hernias, especially those in the groin, like inguinal hernia repair, which is the most common. When you rise or walk, it may appear like you have a dragging feeling, as if something is sticking out.

Digestive Disorders- Occasionally, abdominal hernias, specifically those next to the bowels, can lead to stomach disorders. Common symptoms include infrequent bowel movement, incomplete evacuation of bowels, and constipation. In some cases, a strangulated hernia (when protruding tissue is trapped with no blood supply) causes severe pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting.

Modification of Bowel Activity- In conjunction with a bulge or pain, a sudden change in your normal bowel habits can suggest a Robotic Hernia Surgery. These may include constipation, diarrhea, and inability to pass wind. Therefore, if you notice any pronounced alterations concerning how your bowels function, it is important to see a physician who will conduct some investigations to exclude other potential causative agents.

Prevention Tips

Hernias cannot always be prevented. The reason for some is heredity that you can’t escape. This is a birth disorder called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. In addition, weak muscles can be present from birth, which could make getting hernias easier later in life. 

You can decrease the chance of having some types of hernias by:

Consuming small meals

Dropping pounds if you have excessive weight

Staying away from or lessening alcohol and tobacco

Avoiding or limiting particular foods (e.g., spicy, high-fiber things)

Having proper techniques for lifting to avoid straining.


What your health condition is and what type of hernia you have will determine which treatment options are available to you. For the first time, a physician may recommend that you monitor the situation as it changes. This may also involve changing what you eat, do, and live. At times, drugs could be indicated for relief of symptoms of a hernia. 

If the hernia does not improve or worsen, your surgeon will recommend robotic surgery in Bangalore. There are two kinds of surgical treatments. On the one hand, laparoscopic surgery is done with less invasion. Your doctor or surgeon will make small incisions where the problem is to repair the hernia. In contrast, inguinal hernia repair surgery requires a larger cut to fix it.

Your doctor might use surgical mesh during surgery. It is a device that is medically regulated. Surgical Mesh is designed to help support your weakened muscle or tissue. The mesh may be made from synthetic material or animal tissue. There are two types of surgical mesh. Temporary mesh will eventually dissolve inside you once it has done its job; it helps your muscles and tissues become stronger over time. On the other hand, permanent mesh offers long-term muscle reinforcement.

Book an Appointment Right Now 

If you’re experiencing any signs or symptoms of a hernia, it’s important to seek medical attention. At MH Surgery Clinic we have a team of Robotics Surgeons professionals specializing in hernia treatment.

Our expert- Dr. Manjunath Haridas performs advanced robot-assisted and laparoscopic methods to treat hernias effectively. Don’t hesitate to call us for inquiries or to schedule an appointment.

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