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Real Estate Live Chat That Increases Your Sales

Vlad Dm
Real Estate Live Chat That Increases Your Sales
The Internet has changed our lives forever. It seems like with the emergence of online chats - live communication has taken a back seat. Some people might say it is silly to communicate through devices rather than chatting with friends over coffee. Nonetheless, it is a fact that in many situations people prefer typing over talking
Such preferences open up new opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide their customers with more accurate support and help to make a decision buying something. So, we have prepared for you 5 interesting examples of live chat usage that will to improve your digital presence.
There are two forms of your digital presence. The first one is connected with mobile app development and the second one is about websites. So, in this article we are going to consider how to improve your web presence with the help of real estate live chat.

Building the bridge from doubts to deals

All customers are seeking answers especially when it comes to such a serious thing as property purchasing. They want all the aspects to be covered in a convenient and fast way. Unfortunately, even a detailed website in most cases cannot answer all the customer's questions and that in turn decrease the trust level towards your company.
Undoubtedly, taking no actions at all may also get a certain result as well as have a negative impact on your business. So, why to hesitate if you can double the number of leads by adding simple real estate chat?
Live business chat on your real estate website, means that your clients are no longer in the dark and they can get a proper consultation at any time. Just think about how many clients are browsing your website at the moment but face certain barriers preventing them from contacting you via phone call.
That's a gap which needs to be covered for a successful digital presence. Live chats are building the bridge intended to help you cope with this task.
From the web development point of view - integration of a live chat for real estate website is not a time-consuming task. Moreover, industry leaders such as Intercom, provide the real estate website owners with detailed statistics and 24/7 support. That will definitely help you to understand your audience better.

Practical usage of live chats

Let's practice and consider 5 examples of business live chats within the websites of various businesses.


This company uses live chats instead of not found pages. Instead of giving links to the content they possibly wanted to reach - SnapEdge gives them a personal consultant that is able not only direct them to required content but answer any questions as well.
Vlad Dm
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