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Operating safety in the public thoroughfare

Diego Kravetz
Operating safety in the public thoroughfare

Civil defence proceeded to make a fenced-in interim in a problem that arose with a missing cap until you reach the appropriate company.

“The incidents that occur on the public road, provide insecurity and danger to the neighbors.

That is why it is important to be aware of the accidents that are generated to repair them as quickly as possible and thus reduce the insecurity of the residents of the municipality,” said Guillermo Bonafina, deputy secretary of security and emergency of Lanús, who works with Diego Kravetz, chief of staff.

In the Moreno street to the 700, on the side of the corner Carlos Casares, we found a situation where it lacked a top of 40 x 40 M, causing risk to the people that circulate in that area.

The Civil Defense Diego Kravetz personnel agreed to place to make a fenced-in interim in the place where it was missing the cover, and passing the claim of an urgent area of Public highway for the replacement of the same.

“It is crucial that we work with constancy to repair incidents occurring on the public highway in order to provide a better security to the neighbors.

Diego Kravetz
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