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Direct Admission in PES Institute of Technology 2019

mathan manish
Direct Admission in PES Institute of Technology 2019

Direct Admission In PES institute Of Technology Bangalore

One of the esteemed educational institutions in Bangalore is ‘Direct Admission in PES Institute of Technology’. They have a team of proficient and experienced teachers and amazing infrastructure and impart high-quality education to the students. Due to its flawless track record, good reputation and incredible infrastructure, it is one of the best institutions to pursue research, postgraduate and undergraduate studies.

Commendable infrastructure:

The PES Institute of Technology has state-of-the-art campuses and offers a broad range of education programs in various disciplines. The university is among the topmost in the country and a leading one in Karnataka. The auditoriums, classrooms, and laboratories of the university are equipped with the latest equipment.

In-house, well-maintained accommodation, beautifully manicured sprawling landscapes and hygienic canteens play a key role in providing a good learning environment for the students. The hostels have basic furniture and offer filtered water to drink and fresh food to eat.

Apart from the educational facilities, the institute provides entertainment facilities such as amazing outdoor and indoor sports facilities, well-equipped gym and library with the latest collection of journals, study material, and books.



Proficient Faculty

The teaching staff of the PES Institute of Technology are experienced and adept in their fields. They are competent to provide the right suggestion to the students and guide them to make a successful career.


Process of Admission in PES Institute of Technology

The PES Institute of Technology emphasises choosing students purely on merit basis. They conduct the PES Scholastic Aptitude Test or the PESSAT. It’s a national level entrance test that the student needs to take for getting admission in the different programmes that the PES institute offers.

Students can get PES Institute of technology admission by qualifying the PESSAT.  It is a 3-hour duration comprising of two sections. One section is on Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics and the other section is on the English grammar.


What is the Fee Structure?

The PES South Campus fee structure when compared to other colleges under the Karnataka universities, is reasonable. Their key objective is to forward the career of the students in the right direction. For enrolment in PES Institute of Technology, you may get in touch with the team of the Direct Admission in PES Institute of Technology 2019. They would offer you all possible aid, suggestions, and guidance in the admission procedure.

mathan manish
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