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Design Name Badges Online | Metal - Aluminium - Plastic Name Tags

Name Badges Malaysia
Design Name Badges Online | Metal - Aluminium - Plastic Name Tags

Confidence and Experience
Never has image and professionalism been more important in customer-facing roles. Name Badges International can help boost the impact of that critical first impression with stunning staff name badges that portray pride and attention to detail.
With 110 employees and 30 years of staff name badge printing experience, Name Badges International is your ideal partner for beautiful quality personalized name badges.

Free Complimentary design and setup
We don't believe in hidden costs and extra charges! For this reason, we offer our experienced design service complimentary for the initial design work and one modification ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE with any order for our identification products. Whether ordering one badge or hundreds, we offer simple, competitive, quantity based pricing for all customers, new or old.


Visit us : http://namebadgesinternational.com.my/

Name Badges Malaysia
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