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What Are The Major Challenges Facing Human Resources?

Maya Holik

When it comes to running a business there are plenty of challenges that you can face. These challenges crop up across all the different departments, and none more so than Human Resources. Working within a HR department is never easy and there are plenty of things that can go wrong or that need some careful thought and consideration too. 

One of the best ways to tackle the main challenges that can arise within any HR department, is to be aware of them, why they happen and what can be done to combat them or avoid them completely. 

So, why not take a look at some of the major challenges that can face any HR department within a business?

Being fully compliant with the relevant laws and regulations

The thing about laws and regulations, particularly those that relate to employment, is that they are always changing. You may think that you have got to grips with the laws, only to find that things have changed. 

It is vitally important that you are not only aware of how the employment laws apply to your business, but also that you are on top of how they have moved and changed. This is something that a HR department is going to be in charge of and in control of too. 

Changes to managers

Change can be great, but change for employees within a business can be scary. It is down to the HR department to make sure that any change that occurs is dealt with in the right way. This is particularly important, as periods of change can mean that employees are going to have a dip in their productivity and their morale too. 

It is important that HR take the lead in making sure that change is communicated properly with the rest of the business. Not only this, but the changes need to be presented in a positive light too. Employees need to know why it is happening, when it is happening and why they should be getting on board with it. 

Developing managers

Every single business out there is going to rely on the managers to lead it to success. Which means that developing managers is something that every HR team should be focusing on. It can be hard to motivate managers to be the best that they can be, particularly if this means that you need them to attend training or development courses.

A great way to encourage this is to make it a part of their yearly reviews, as having development as a formal goal is only going to increase the chances that they are actually going to try and get where they need to be for the future. 

Encouraging employees to attend training

It isn’t only managers who can benefit from training - staff can too. Investing in the development of all employees across the business is hugely beneficial. It will help employees to feel confident in their own abilities and skills. This will give them a much needed morale boost. 

Not only this, but by delivering employees a chance to develop, the HR team can also help to protect and grow the future of the business. As the training will help those staff members to be the ideal driving force to lead the business to success. 

Those things considered, it can still be hard to get staff members to attend training. Especially if they are busy and they think that it could actually be a complete waste of their time. 

Working with new technology

Technology is a wonderful thing, and it really has enriched our lives hugely. But, technology can also contribute to somewhat of a HR headache. As tech moves and changes, it is vital that a businesses develop with it. Else your company could end up being left behind. 

However, every time you need to get to grips with a new piece of tech, or introduce it into your business, you are going to have to face more training for those employees who use it, along with more expense to actually get it installed too. That’s why, whether you’re introducing an employee engagement platform like Blink or a solution to provide your staff with workplace email addresses like G-Suit, you should take user-friendliness into consideration.

This can be a hugely challenging thing to organise and put in place, however, as new tech is introduced it could end up being a positive thing for your business as a whole.

Of course. Some of the perceived negatives of working in HR in the modern world is delivering bad news or managing tricky staff members. Of course, these are hard work and probably are not the favourite parts of any HR employees job; but the challenges are much more varied than this. 

One thing that can have a positive impact across all of these challenges is communication and therefore effective communication is something that every single person should work on and deliver too. 

Maya Holik
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