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Know different ways to make your house dust-free?

My Shiny Clean

No matter how much people hate doing this, this House Cleaning job is necessary to clean and provide your home. Yes, the dusting goes on forever, and yes, ten minutes after you finish, everything seems to have been blown away. But there are some easy methods you can use to Know different ways to make your house dust-free? Also you can enjoy it too.

Avoid the carpet: Carpeting is a major cause of dust. They are definitely beautiful and give elegance and softness to the decor, but what they do most effectively is dust, and then leave it in small, invisible puffs every step of the way when someone walks by. So if you still insist on carpeting your room, make sure it is vacuumed daily, and once a month, remove the area under the carpet and clean it. We recommend replacing the carpet with tiles or a secure base to clean for a perfect House Cleaning.

Clean in the correct order:  It would help if you always cleaned it from top to bottom, which is exceptionally dusty. Get rid of your high shelves and furniture first, then vacuum the floor to collect everything that falls on the floor.

Wash your bed frequently You should wash the sheets, monthly, and other blankets at least once a week. Clothes collect skin particles at bedtime, and if you have too much fabric, they will be a string and other small pieces. Rinse these items frequently and reduce the total number required to produce less dust.

 Replace your furnace filter :  Don't forget to change the filter. A clean furnace filter not only reduces the risk of your home fire, but it also reduces the amount of time you push through your heating pipes and lands somewhere in your home. Set a reminder to check the filter every two months, especially in winter. Try Cleaning Services Chicago.

Use the right duster : Dust trap instead of pushing around. The peculiarity of the feather dust clears mainly from the dining room sideboards of the maids in black and white uniforms. But when it comes to performance, feather dusters are great at pushing dust because they are attracted to it. Make your choice of microfiber cloths better by dusting. Micro-fibers attract and trap dust particles without moving. Additionally, you can throw them in the washing machine and reuse them. 

These were some of the best ways to make your house dust-free. For more details visit Cleaning Services Chicago.

My Shiny Clean
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