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Wedding trends for winter 2020: choosing a wedding dress

Khristian Radonov
Wedding trends for winter 2020: choosing a wedding dress

A winter wedding is like a fairy tale come to life — a snow-white dress, the glitter of crystal glasses and falling white flakes of snow outside the window. One of the key decorations of this fairy tale is a magic dress that causes the delight of the guests and, most importantly, the groom. 

1. Voluminous sleeves

 The best solution for a winter wedding is a long — sleeved dress. Of course, you will still need a warm Cape over it, but in a long-sleeved dress you will already feel more comfortable. 

 If you follow the latest shows, you know that the style of the 80’s is returning to fashion, and with it the voluminous lantern sleeves. 

 2. Royal capes

 If we have come to the conclusion that a winter wedding is like a fairy tale, then the bride must play the role of a Princess in it. What does the Princess need? That’s right, the appropriate Royal outfit. Its main feature is the Cape. It will give the image of aristocracy and save from the cold. In addition, this is an interesting alternative to the veil, if you want to give up this accessory and not spoil the hairstyle by fixing it.  

 3. Modest stand-up collar

 Given the Russian climate, we think that with wind and snowfall, you will want to wear a turtleneck to your own wedding. There is a less radical solution-a stand-up collar (with a dress with such collars, the singer Ellie Golding was married, and before her-Audrey Hepburn). Classic silhouettes, including this collar, have established themselves in the collections of recent seasons — in many ways, not without the help of a series of Royal weddings. This collar is a simple way to make the image more Bohemian and closer to the Victorian style.

guide for wedding trends 

Khristian Radonov
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