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Is Hair Transplantation is a Better Choice in [2020].

Abhinav Singh
Is Hair Transplantation is a Better Choice in [2020].

Know Some awesome reasons which make hair transplant surgery a better option.

  • Significantly Hair transplant is the most advanced technique for hair restoration at present. Majorly there are two techniques of hair transplant. First is follicular unit transplant FUT in this strip of skin from which the scalp is taken, then these are divided and restoration is performed in the affected area. Most of the time, a linear scar is visible. But good surgeons like Dr. P. K Talwar always tries to minimize these scars in the donor area. While he is also known for best Hair Transplant in South Delhi
  • Another most advanced technique of hair transplant is follicular unit extraction FUE. This method requires fine skills as single hair strips are taken and then replanted in the affected area. The results you will get from this method are permanent. Only small black tiny dots are visible on the donor area. 
  • Hair transplant is the safest and giving permanent results that are the main reason why everyone wants to for this surgery. While no chemicals are used during the surgery. It’s a pain-free method and gives you a natural look. By looking at you even no one will be able to guess that whether you have undergone a surgery or it’s your natural hair. If you are looking for the best surgeon for Hair Transplant in Surgery in South Delhi then the only name to be considered is Dr. PK Talwar. 


Why are we considered the best?

Dr. P. K Talwar is one of the highly renowned surgeons in Delhi. He is highly experienced. Besides having 32 years of experience in the industry he also possesses the best team of surgeons who all know their work very well and have fine skills. He is an internationally famous personality. Till now he approximately has transformed at least thousands of lives. Yet helping them out in achieving their dreams. He is a well-known name for Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi.

Abhinav Singh
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