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4 Ways to Improve Your Website Design to Increase Sales

Brandphic Logo Design
4 Ways to Improve Your Website Design to Increase Sales

The eCommerce industry is among the leading industries in the world in terms of growth. However, this does not mean that your eCommerce business is necessarily growing at the same pace. Your sales may be lagging or just average and businesses are intent on growing faster in terms of revenue. Quality website design is among the most effective growth strategies for an eCommerce business. Every aspect of your eCommerce business, starting from your business logo to the website’s appearance and functionality, to your integrated marketing channels, must be designed accordingly to maximize the user experience. A poor design simply cannot cut it and can kill your business.

Here are 4 ways to improve your website design to increase sales;

1. Optimize your Website Load Speeds.

There is no denying the fact that your eCommerce business is only as good as your website. If visitors experience an average design and painfully slow load speeds, they’re going to leave before you even get the chance to showcase your offerings. Research from Stanford University revealed that over 75% of internet users will judge a business’s credibility based solely on the website’s appearance. Another study suggests that once your websites reach 4 seconds of loading time, over 25% of potential customers are lost. This is a dangerous statistic, especially for eCommerce newbies that don’t invest in their website development to overcome this barrier. Many eCommerce stores are heavy due to photos. What you can do is minimize the photo file sizes as much as possible while still maintaining good quality. Treat your website like and artist treats his painting, with artful and intentional use of color, white space and text. Make it unique with your own brand-specific graphic elements and enhance the user experience.

2. Optimize your Website Design for Mobile Access.

There has been a broad change in how people access the internet. In the last decade, the number of users accessing the internet from computers has declined exponentially. On the other hand, there has been significant growth in mobile users accessing the internet. As of 2016, mobile devices exceeded computer devices to become the most popular way to access the internet. This was due to the shift in consumer trends which are now set by millennials and Generation Z. Since internet access is now done using mobile phones, so is online shopping. This means that when you build an eCommerce website, it must definitely be optimized for mobile users. It should be responsive on all devices and easy to navigate. So, make sure you hire a talented website design professional to help you optimize your eCommerce website accordingly.

3. Target Existing Customers with Relevant ads and Business SMS/Email Campaigns.

Customer retention has been proven to be more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. If you want quick growth in your business, focus some of your marketing tools and efforts on gaining recurring customers through repeat sales. This not only adds to your revenue but also improves your credibility as people are drawn to the fact that others come back for more of your business.

4. Provide Social Credibility Proof to Build Customer Confidence.

Reviews and testimonials show your current audience the experience of your past audience. This can make your business as it builds customer confidence and serves as an influence while making the purchase decision. Make sure that you place these testimonials where they can be seen and try to make them easy to read for all audiences. If you have a large range of products, you can include a ‘best-sellers’ section. This also supports Pareto's principle (80-20 rule) i.e. 80% of your customers purchase from 20% of your products.

So, don’t ignore the design side of creating a stunning and functional website. Work with your website design and graphic design team to find the most effective way to execute these strategies for your business.

Brandphic Logo Design
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