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The period to avail credit card services

Mashreq Cards
The period to avail credit card services

Formula to get the best services and grab some opportunities is only possible through a smart working and with great time management. Life is extremely fast in metropolitan cities and you get lost if you are not dosing your tasks with your fellow beings. You must have a clear plan for all your tasks and have the ability to complete all of these on time. For example, we can take the example of Dubai banks which are highly professional and this can be evaluated from the eye of international account holders working with them. Why such people are successful? A big question for all of you. The answer is clear that the people on both sides; taking services or giving offers are loyal to their work and they are very strict to time.

There are several services available to the majority of the account holders which can give them some attractive perks in case they avail them on time. To grab such offers I would recommend you complete your homework before moving towards any serious offer. As we can see the best cash back credit card UAE services are quite important to be handled on time and with much care, so you need to be more vigilant.

This blog will provide a complete insight into the card offers and some related perks from banks either a private or a public sector. Few things are really important and these should be considered by a credit card holder with great care such as:

  • First of all, it is the grace period which is provided for a special kind of service. You can take it as a priority service like golf club membership, 50% direct cashback discount offer or a loan opportunity through easy installments. Keep one thing in your mind that grace time is directly related to your credit card payments which must be paid on time. Now for sure your credit card payments should be paid on time and this the only way of using a card. While on the other hand if you don’t do so you will get into an extra debt which is hard to return. Along with such troubling things you can’t manage your perks and benefits.
  • One of the many benefits of using a credit card is that you essentially get an interest-free loan. This is available only through Islamic banks which are running mostly in Middle Eastern states. The loan type may be varied according to the status of a client or type of a loan. You can use your card and provide some proof of your official documents as an eligible candidate. I would say if you have a good credit history chances are bight that an account holder will get a loan package on his or her terms. The other side of the picture is not so good because no lender would ever agree to provide you a loan if you have a bad credit history.
  • Different offers are provided under different circumstances so keep this thing in your mind that such kind of offers is not provided all the time. If you are looking for priority-based offers like Samsung pay UAE at discounted rates, these are only available within a grace period of 21 and 25 days.

Purchases within a grace period

This blog will provide you some updated information about the grace period offer for a credit card. We will talk about the grace period and it’s working so that to make an understanding for card users. Here’s how it works: we can suppose that a cardholder who has a credit card period between two to three years with a due date of March 1. It can be varied according to the card type and account holder status. Any purchases made within the period can be made interest-free because of the grace period. The next question is the time frame of payments of a card. Let me clear one thing that a specific card would vary from another card because of the services. Instead of getting discounts and cashback offers, in case you are unable to pay your card payments within the fixed time, there must be some charges for a cardholder. For example, if you don’t pay your balance in full on or before March 1, you’ll owe interest on your average daily balance which is a really bad thing for your credit score and your credibility as well.

Minimum credit for business card

It is really hard to manage multiple cards so I would suggest you all to get one specific card which can cover your diverse tasks. You can also follow up on the list in which the most important options are:

  • Cashback card
  • Corporate card
  • Travelcard

Using a corporate credit card you can get some diverse offers that can cover your all doings in a short time but with little more charges. I can assure you that these charges would never have a big cut because you will achieve more by saving your time. Sometimes a user randomly uses a card and spends a lot which is very harmful to your credit history and also for your credibility as a responsible and reliable cardholder. While on the other hand some of the users use their card really in a controlled way which is ultimately a good thing. So to measure a minimum payment is not easy because it varies according to the status of a cardholder and a type of a card. But we can say that it is the smallest amount of money you can pay each month without damaging your payment history. You don’t need to spend a lot of money and keep working within a reasonable circle. In this way, you can avoid the interest rate that can be added to your current balance.


You should search for a card option using your smartphone banking. All information is provided regarding different card options and their rates.

Mashreq Cards
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