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5 Inspirational Tips For Exhibition Show Booth Trends In 2020

Stall Exhibition
5 Inspirational Tips For Exhibition Show Booth Trends In 2020

Over time, the need for innovation and the use of technology has been increasing at a lightning speed. Customers now need more personalization in availing of services and purchasing products.

In 2020, the competition is intense and the stakes are high. In such a scenario, it is important to create a niche in the market and emerge as a brand with unique offerings.

What better platform to stand out from the clutter than an exhibition show? Exhibitions and trade shows have always been popular with a variety of customers and businesses in engaging in an experiential form of marketing.

There is an array of opportunities for using your exhibition show booth for attracting more customers and improving the image of your brand. If your exhibition booth stands out from the clutter of all the businesses participating in the event, you are bound to attract maximum attention from your prospects.

 If you are looking for some inspiration for having the best exhibition booth at any event in 2020, here are five of the best exhibition show booth trends to help you increase traction:

1.Bring In Mother Nature!

Most exhibitions and trade shoes are extensions of the concrete jungle that we live in. You see a bunch of people rushing up and down different aisles of booths that look and feel more or less similar.

In such a situation, provide your guests with a breath of fresh air (quite literally) by incorporating nature in your exhibition booth. As very few businesses think of going green, you will immediately gather eyeballs at the event by doing so.

Your guests are likely to be exhausted by walking around the premises for a long time. Using nature in your exhibition show booth would help them soothe their eyes and make them engage with you for the unique design choice you made.

Also, adding the touch of nature to your exhibition booth will not cost you much. You can choose to have hanging flowers, grass mats, garden furniture, plant walls, and a lot of elements to attract the attention of your guests.

2.Photo Ops

The world is on social media today. Getting clicked has been the “in” thing for quite some time now and is not going away anytime soon. Some of the most creative trade show booth ideas have revolved around providing the guests with a variety of photo opportunities.

Everyone likes being photographed with a beautiful background. Now that people have resorted to using artificial filters for clicking pictures, you can certainly do better!

Having interactive walls and cutouts is one of the most widely used and accepted exhibition show booth trends today. You can make the most of this trend by having a quirky wall (digital or otherwise) at the booth that immediately attracts the attention of the guests.

The scope for photo ops is more than making people look good in their pictures. As more people are getting their pictures clicked with your background, they are also visiting your exhibition booth and are, therefore, your prospects.

Moreover, you can maximize this opportunity by incorporating your brand name/logo into your interactive walls. This helps you increase your reach as the pictures circulating on social media.

3.Providing An Other-worldly Experience

As mentioned earlier, there are very high chances of your guests being exhausted or bored after moving around within the venue. Even a little refreshing change in this monotony would work wonders for both you and them.

Several brands are helping their guests have an escapist experience through their exhibition show booths. This is often carried out by defying the conventional definition of a show booth. Guests are provided with a refreshing change from open booths and taken into a different world by combining creativity with digitization.

Make use of technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to make them forget for a while that they have come to an exhibition or a trade show. Plug your brand in smartly to improve your recall value and brand image in the minds of your guests.

This way, even if the prospects are not converted into customers, you will always be remembered by the visitors for the unique experience provided by you.

4.Making Use Of Mascots

Mascots have been helping businesses personalize their brand for decades. They make your business unique and help you stand out from similar businesses, which is essential for attracting customers at an exhibition show.

Several businesses have been using their mascots in their booths and make for some of the best trade show booth designs. You can have live mascots outside your exhibition show booth for attracting more guests. You can use them as a central theme in your design and incorporate them into the videos and graphics featured in your booth.

The use of mascots can be included in providing photo opportunities to the guests and extending the reach of your brand. Even if your brand does not have a mascot, you can use one specifically for the exhibition to provide a unique identity to your brand.

5.Create Moods Using Colors And Lights

Visual aids are still some of the strongest triggers and reinforcements for customers to be associated with a brand. They attach a peculiar trait and personality to the brand being marketed at an exhibition or a trade show.

The trend of lights and colours will never become obsolete when it comes to exhibition show booth designs. Use these elements to create a particular mood and act as an extension of your brand featured at the exhibition.

However, it is important to choose the right colour and lights in your booth and ensure that they are in sync with your brand. If they are random and out of sync, they are likely to backfire.

There is no end to the latest trends that you can adopt for making your exhibition show booth more appealing to the guests. If you manage to strike the right chord with your target audience, you are bound to be the favourite in the exhibition!

Stall Exhibition
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