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A complete guide to online recruitment

Rickey Jones
A complete guide to online recruitment

Having bought recruitment software in the UK, how are you going to realise its full potential? Here's the complete guide to online recruitment.

Much of the job recruitment process has been moved completely online to save on costs, time and effort. But there are still costs associated with using recruitment software in the UK and with leaving staffing vacancies for extended periods of time.

For those looking to tighten up their methods and speed up the process, try a few tips and tricks from this complete guide to online recruitment.

Have a strong brand online
Candidates will flock to recruiters with a strong brand identity. If they see evidence that you’re invested in their future and securing them great rewarding roles, they are more likely to engage with your business. Make your company’s brand personality really sell the roles you want to fill.

Use a wide range of recruitment sources
Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter can be excellent in spreading news about job vacancies, but news can be spread slowly on there. LinkedIn is great for drawing in potential candidates to interact with your business directly and to draw them towards your website where all documentation and information will be provided. An email newsletter is an excellent way to send out targeted information to those who are interested in the types of roles you promote. Don’t just pick one of these options - try and use them all.

Design your job postings using recruitment software in the UK
Shoving a job opportunity onto email or social media might not get the results that you really want. If it looks boring and uninteresting, why should people pay attention to it? Make sure you have a great team for design and copy to create engaging adverts that will bring more organic growth and interest in job postings.

And make sure that all your job postings are optimised for smart devices. It is highly likely that most job seekers will be using smartphones and other devices to browse through jobs and find their next opportunity. All your recruitment efforts must be accessible and easy to use on any device.

Find and nurture passive candidates
Passive candidates are professionals who are already working, have the skills and contacts that you want, but aren’t quite ready yet to make a switch. Nurture them and build relationships with them. They can be highly skilled contacts for job openings and provide valuable insights into companies that may want to work with you in the future.

Create a top-notch website
Your website using your recruitment software in the UK, displaying all your recruitment opportunities and needed information, must be attractive for potential candidates. It should be informative, kept up-to-date, integrated with your social media pages and user friendly. All materials and design should be kept in keeping with the branding of your business. People’s attention spans have drastically changed in the age of social media. If your website can’t hold their attention - or looks a little sad and ill-thought of - people will pass over your career opportunities.

Have easy application processes
No-one wants to go through endless forms and screens to apply for a job. Make sure that every application has been streamlined for ease of the user, with optimum page load speed and easy interactions so candidates can sail on through. You should aim for every candidate to have a positive experience with applying for your postings, even if they ultimately don’t end up being hired. Test everything that is put up on your website yourself so you know what people will be going through.

Don’t remove all human interaction
While online recruitment means you never need to contact a candidate in person, people respond to human interaction. Recruitment, at the heart of it, should focus on the person-to-person communication. There needs to be a point where someone in your business should reach out and talk with candidates. Reply to email messages. Have a team to respond to messages on social media. Ask what they like about the process and whether there are any improvements you could make.

It’s never been easier to find amazing candidates and fill roles. Put the time and effort into building a successful online business and your recruitment agency will only keep on growing.

Rickey Jones
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