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Cost and Management Accounting

Mohit Agarwal Classes
Cost and Management Accounting


CMA Foundation is a course conducted by The Institute of Cost Accountant of India. We appear for this course after appearing in class 12th. At CMA Foundation Level we provide all these four subjects. Mohit Agarwal sir is the best faculty in Kolkata for CMA Foundation for Face to Face / video mode, best Direct to Home (D2H) classes / best pen drive classes / best Online classes. Here the student is tested on the basis of four subject these are: -

Paper-1   Fundamentals of Economics and Management

Paper-2      Fundamentals of Accounting

Paper-4    Fundamentals of Laws and Ethics

Paper-5    Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics


CMA Inter is a second-level examination in the cost accountancy course conducted by The Institute of Cost Accountant of India. After clearing the CMA Foundation examination, we become eligible to register for the CMA INTER. The Graduates, Post graduates can directly register for CMA Intermediates without appearing in CMA Foundation Course. Mohit Agarwal sir is the best faculty for CMA Intermediate all over India. Mohit Educomp Pvt. Ltd. Provides best Face to Face classes in Kolkata, Video Mode, best pen drive classes / best direct to home classes / best online classes. All the books are attempted to be designed in a uniquely student friendly manner to achieve guaranteed successful results.

At CMA Intermediate level Mohit sir provides following Subjects:


Paper-5 Financial Accounting

Paper-6 Laws & Ethics


 Paper-9 Operation and Management and Strategic Management

 Paper-12 Company Accounts and Auditing


CMA Final is a final level exam conducted by The Institute of Cost Accountant of India. The students who had cleared CMA Intermediate course can apply for CMA final course. There are eight subjects in CMA Final Course and out of these Mohit Agarwal Sir teaches CORPORATE LAWS & COMPLIANCES. Mohit Agarwal is the Best teacher for CMA Final Laws. He provides best face to face classes / video mode, best pen drive classes, best online classes / best direct to home classes (D2H) and achieved many Rank / pass percentage from our Institute.



Mohit Agarwal Classes
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