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What is APT and Why Can It Cause Hip Pain?

Jaxon Long

Hip pain is a common chronic condition amongst individuals all around the world, with individuals even as young as school-aged experiencing such pain. There are many causes of hip pain, however one of the most common causes is APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt).


APT is a condition whereby individuals experience tight hip flexors and a forward pelvis (usually as an eventual result of poor posture or sustained sedentary periods without adequate movement). APT arises as a problem when individuals sit or remain sedentary for too long, and their hip flexors become stiff.


This means that when they stand back up, their hip flexors will pull their pelvis forward, resulting in misalignment which could also potentially cause hip flexor tendonitis. Having APT will also lengthen an individual’s abdominal muscles into a poor position, resulting in poor core stabilisation as well as weak abdominal control. When combined with the pressure applied onto the lower back due to poor pelvic positioning, individuals may experience hip pain.


In order to prevent APT conditions from occurring and thus also hip pain, individuals will need to keep their hip flexors loose and flexible. The best way to avoid hip flexors becoming tight is to perform adequate amounts of physical activity (as recommended by the World Health Organisation’s guidelines) as well as limit the amount of continuous time spent sitting or stationary. For example, getting up to stretch after sitting at a desk every hour or so can help with keeping the hip flexors flexible.


Another way to lower the chances of developing APT is to visit a health practitioner such as a chiropractor for regular posture checks. A chiropractor may help provide advice and manually correct an individual’s posture, so that the risk of developing APT and hip pain is decreased.

Jaxon Long
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